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6 Votes

An enchanting guide to Enchantress

January 16, 2013 by bobiousJ
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Tikru8 (4) | April 29, 2013 5:11am
^ Enchantress can transition from support to carry or semi-carry later on in the game thanks to Impetus, especially is she gets Aghanim's Scepter. That means she is not unlike Silencer with his glaives. Therefore she can often benefit her team more if there is another "harder" support than her that can buy the team paraphilia such as Mek/pipe (even though it wouldn't be bad at all having them on her, especially pipe: she's quite immune to right-clicking but not magic damage :P). Therefore Aga = not bad at all, especially since it gives her almost + 400 HP which she really needs to survive.
Prome (2) | February 4, 2013 9:25pm
"If you find yourself in a pinch and everyone has left without buying an Animal Courier it won't affect your game much to buy it (good old public games)"

not to sound mean or anything, but - enchantress is a ****ing support. PLEASE play her like one.

THAT MEANS: courier/flying, obs AND sentry wards, and NO AGHY STAFF IN CORE. that thing's bloody 4.2k, enchant should NOT be farming all game. INSTEAD, she should be ganking and her CORE should be things like: ****ing MEK. AND PIPE. or a FORCE STAFF.

Aghanim's is a super luxury in most cases, and even then support enchant should go for a sheep stick to shut down the enemy carry.
bobiousJ | February 3, 2013 4:35pm
Nubtrain wrote:

IMO the Heart of Tarrasque shouldn't be rejected, your job after aghs is to survive so you can deal as much damage as possible. Enchantress has good enough mana regen from the Urn of Shadows and Power Treads until you get Bloodstone or etc

Like the feedback but I still don't agree with Heart of Tarrasque. After you've built Urn of Shadows, Power Treads, Aghanim's Scepter and then Bloodstone you're in late game. I feel the health from Heart of Tarrasque should be chewed up by the other teams carry while a Scythe of Vyse or Orchid Malevolence will help neutralise that carry and thus help with survivability.

If your talking about building Heart of Tarrasque before Bloodstone you're gonna have mana issue before you get them.

But it's called a "guide" not "the way to play" so if you find that heart works better for you then I'd definately go with that.

Thanks for the feedback and I hope that helps other people.
Nubtrain (58) | February 2, 2013 9:34pm
IMO the Heart of Tarrasque shouldn't be rejected, your job after aghs is to survive so you can deal as much damage as possible. Enchantress has good enough mana regen from the Urn of Shadows and Power Treads until you get Bloodstone or etc
bobiousJ | February 2, 2013 8:10pm
thrashin sam wrote:

useful, but i can't seem to find anywhere how many creeps can she enchant? i am just curious as i can't find it on the wiki or here, so please help. also i liked the guide so +1

Only limited by cooldown and duration. The enchant duration is 80 across all levels and then the cooldown is 15 at max. So you can have 5 creeps if you really push for it at enchant lvl 4. I find I dont use more than 2-3 though. 2 for ganks and 3 for towers.
thrashin sam | January 31, 2013 5:20pm
useful, but i can't seem to find anywhere how many creeps can she enchant? i am just curious as i can't find it on the wiki or here, so please help. also i liked the guide so +1
kikki010 | January 18, 2013 3:44am
useful guide. liked the jungle map
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