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If you get Radiance first, you would be able to get Diffusal Blade very fast. Radiance is a core item for PL. Why wouldn't you rush it? I understand the stats to a point, but Diffusal before Radiance takes way longer then Radiance before Diffusal. The major difference is the gold you need. I can see what you saying if you are having difficulties in the early game, but otherwise, isn't it a better choice to rush Radiance? I am curious, what have you tried? I have only played PL a minimal amount of games with him. Have you found that Diffusal first works better then Radiance? Or is it more situational?
That is what I have written down in my guide (thanks Atlas for your comment :) ). But then again, everything comes to the situation. If you have more time to farm, then
P.S.: If your comment is somehow affected by my previous comment, I'm sorry about that, I forgot to change it.
Yes, I do agree with that, but the damage of Sacred Relic (or Radiance) isn't given to the illusions since the damage is raw. Whereas Diffusal Blade provides increased AGI, which increases the damage, attack speed and armor of your illusions. Even more, the Feedback UAM is also applied to every one of them, which makes your illusions to deal much more damage than before.
It is relatively easy after having Diffusal Blade because Diffusal Blade increases your ganking and damage potential a lot, and thus, making kills much easier to get. But, if my team was pressured by the opposing team, I just farm it out in the shortest time possible.
Well, that's all I can say about your idea, and I think I might try it sometime to compare each of the builds. Thanks for commenting and voting! :D
Edit: I have changed the build. Thanks for your suggestion!
If you are going to opt for a Radiance on Phantom Lancer, build it first, then go for whatever else.