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Maybe i will spend some time explaining Flesh Golem in details later :/
Burst heroes i feel too general, as of course Flesh Golem helps increasing their nuke damages but so does physical damage from carries
I dont think Dazzle can Shadow Wave zombies as they have magic immunity and Shallow Grave should be used on carries most of the times, but a viable option.
Hi, I feel like you could have done a better job at formatting. I recommend you to check out Dr.D guide to formatting, which had helped me a lot when writing my own guide.
On topic, solid guide. To be fair, Undying is a fairly easy hero to play. I feel like you haven't stressed enough important on Flesh Golem, which is hugely underrated. I believe strong burst heroes such as Lina, Luna... and heroes who excels in drawn out teamfights like Necrophos, Phantom Lancer are good allies. Special mention goes to Dazzle, because of Weave and Shallow Grave, though I'm not sure if Shadow Wave counts zombies (perhaps you would want to check this?). I also think of abilities like Life Break (50%*135%=67% HP magical damage OMGWTFiceFruad), Reverse Polarity and Vacuum, massive AOE spells like Epicenter...
Looking forward for updates. Cheers!
Thanks guys, I realized about the order right after i posted it, is it fixed now?? For me the order is correct already :O. First time writing guides over here so i'm no so familiar with this stuff :/
@woubit: ya linken is extremely situational, only times when opponents have doom then i might skip heart to get linken instead :/
@j.rod9: I added brood! U've seen it?
Overall, I like the guide, but you need to fix the upside down asap. Otherwise, most people will probably just pass it by at one glance. A couple suggestions to add: don't keep your arcane boots for late game. You can disassemble them and use the point booster for your bloodstone rather then re-buying it, since the bloodstone will solve your mana problems. You can then leave them as brown boots or upgrade to boots of travel. Also, you can add Broodmother as a hero you counter. Place a tombstone beside her spiderlings for a zombie apocalypse :)
Apart from the fact that your guide seems to be the wrong way round (with late game talked about before early game), its pretty solid. Not so sure about getting a linkens even as a situational item though - the 5175 gold could be better spent on things like shivas and heart (which you have mentioned) but if you have all these and STILL have enough gold to buy linkens, then you've either taken farm from your carry, or the enemy team has fed you so much that its a won game anyway......
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Edited and added
Burst heroes i feel too general, as of course
I dont think
On topic, solid guide. To be fair, Undying is a fairly easy hero to play. I feel like you haven't stressed enough important on
Looking forward for updates. Cheers!
@woubit: ya linken is extremely situational, only times when opponents have doom then i might skip heart to get linken instead :/
@j.rod9: I added brood! U've seen it?