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41 Votes

A Universal Item Guide

May 20, 2014 by Sando
Comments: 35    |    Views: 197970    |   

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R-Conqueror (24) | September 16, 2013 7:21pm
Under Ethereal Blade/ Ghost Scepter, you should note that you can orb-walk while in ghost form. This actually makes it pretty viable on heroes like Drow Ranger or Viper.
Targnil (1) | September 16, 2013 5:16pm
You should note under Medallion of Courage that Slark can Purge the debuff that it gives upon activation.
Malystryx | May 10, 2013 10:06am
This is a well written guide that could use some minor updating. I played a ton of DotA back in the day, so being able to read up on the DotA item information has been super helpful. Sando majority of your guides are fantastic.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | April 18, 2013 4:11pm
oh right, I just learned this today, but a with the drow ult change, apparently, they nerfed Tranquil Boots

Now they aren't Boots of Speed but 25 move speed. Meaning basically, you arent wearing boots when hit
Sando (118) | April 15, 2013 4:24am
Thanks for the comments guys - I've slowly been re-reading and correcting spelling/grammar mistakes so hopefully this will be resolved sooner rather than later!

Blade Mail certainly is a good item against Huskar, but I didn't want to go into too many specifics of particular heroes due to space limitations. Hopefully people will spot it here in the comments though.
SuperNova-Sin | April 14, 2013 9:02pm
This is a pretty tiny thing but I think it's worth mentioning that blade mail works amazingly well against huskar, with blademail active it means that huskar takes 75% of his ult as damage. Also very useful for centaur as the return and blademail stack.

This combo will auto-kill huskar. It's pretty impressive to instantly melt a very well fed huskar. Anyhow that's just one thing I find incredibly useful for blademail.

This guide was wicked helpful and my team will end up refering to this guide ALOT. Thanks !
xxblackxxrosexx | April 12, 2013 5:53am
Read the whole guide, found it quite helpful and upvoted. Except for a few small spelling mistakes it's very good.
xCO2 (72) | April 12, 2013 5:27am
Sando wrote:

So you definitely do not want one than one Assault Cuirass per team.

So you definitely do not want more than one Assault Cuirass per team.
Shell_defender (1) | April 12, 2013 3:41am
This guide is bloody brilliant! Helpful to all players :D
+1 from me!
Sando (118) | April 12, 2013 12:53am
Thanks WisdomEyes, I've corrected the appropriate entries...
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | April 11, 2013 8:16pm
Just want to point out. Ring of Basi will always effect heroes, so turning it on for lane partners getting ganked is mostly unnecessary

Oh and Battlefury stacks with other cleve abilities, so it's not redundant on Sven
Sando (118) | April 10, 2013 4:10am
Thanks for all the feedback Fredchen - I've corrected the Urn of Shadows entry.

The index part was very difficult tbh, it's a combination of columns and anchor links.
[columns] [nextcol][indent] [/indent][nextcol] [nextcol][indent] [/indent][nextcol] [/columns] Produces 3 columns in a row [anchor="Urn"] [goto="Urn"] Provides the quick links (you "anchor" by the item, and the "goto" becomes the Go) One line in the index looks like this: [[Bracer]] [goto="Bracer"][color=#00ff00](Go)[/color][/goto]

Unfortunately many of the issues you've raised are to do with this format - different item lengths mean that some over or underfill the column width (hence the use of ... to try and pad them out neatly), and different list lengths mean that the titles float at different heights.

It's kinda annoying as I'm not sure how to fix some of this, and the size of the guide means it takes a LONG time to save and see the effects of any changes. I might try copying the index to a temporary guide and see if I can fix it.
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