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Lich is the first hero that I ever played and did okay with, so I decided to let him be the first hero I made a guide for :) I'm no pro, nor do I think that I am the best Lich I've seen. He's just a bundle of icy fun and I thought I'd make a guide for him. So here we go.
In life, the frost-mage Ethreain (not yet a Lich) had used the threat of destructive ice to enslave entire kingdoms. His subjects, aided by a few desperate magicians, eventually grew bold enough to ambush him. Armed with enough charmed rope to bind him forever, they tied the frost mage to adamant weights and dropped him in a pool known chiefly for being bottomless. It wasn't. He only fell for a year or so before an outcrop snagged him. There he rested, dead but undecaying, until the geomancer Anhil thought to verify the legend of the supposedly bottomless Black Pool. Anhil's plumbline snarled with the ropes that bound the drowned magician, and up he hauled an unexpected prize. Thinking that by rendering the dead undead, he could question the Lich about the properties of the pool, he removed the bindings and commenced a simple rite of resurrection. Even the descendants of Ethreain's enemies were long forgotten by time, so there were none to warn Anhil against imprudence. But he learned the error of his judgment almost immediately, as Lich threw off the shackles and consumed him.
When playing Lich as a support hero, it seems odd not to max out Armor first, right? BUT, you're forgetting that, although you play support, you're main purpose is to deny your creeps into the stone age. Even if you don't need the mana, eat a creep before the enemy hero does. Be smart, though; don't use Sacrifice before you throw up a blast. Then you're out 125+ mana, and that's a huge deal early game (which should be when you blast the most, to harrass the carry in your lane).
We max out armor a bit late because that is when it will come in handy the most. Your team will need the armor bonus in team fights, and it is primarily useful once the recharge hits 5 seconds. Now, if you and your team are being hit hard by several melee heroes, you may want to spec into armor before you upgrade blast. And in that regard,....
Blast is a great skill, don't get me wrong. It's a pretty powerful nuke that you can recover mana from fairly quickly. But, if you're running a support build, you don't need it. It also needs to be the last skill you max. And even then, you will mostly only use it to slow down chasers instead of get kills. Lich's job is not to get kills...well, not THIS Lich.
Your ult, however, is amazing. One of the best ults in the game. It has the potential to take out an entire team, if you can max it and get Agha quick enough. Obviously this build is not set in stone. If you see the potential to get several kills, screw Armor, max blast, rush your Agha, and go beast mode. If you wanna play it safe, max Sac, then Armor, and take your time getting Agha.
If you are the ONLY support on your team, good luck. Godspeed, Spider Man. ;P Your job now is to not die, deny as much as possible, and let your carries feed. If you are the secondary support, or are running a dual support team, you can do this. Argue over who buys the Cour (I suggest you do, because you aren't heavily gold dependent). Whoever doesn't get the Cour, however, needs to pick up some Wards (especially if you are going against a hardcore ganker, like Riki or Pudge). The Branches are to give you a tiny bit of added bulk, and to start building your Mek early on. Once you hit about 12 minutes, you need to have your Boots and a Headdress/Bracer. By about 20 you should have your Arcan Boots, your Mek, and a piece or two of your Agha (unless your team is getting owned, then go Bloodstone.) I highly recommend getting agha after your mek and boots, because it will give your team much more survivability, particularly if you are feeding them both mana and health. Agha will allow you to completely turn team fights in their tracks. Many times I have ended a gank prematurely because Spirit Breaker and Luna can't take the power of a blast followed by a Chain Frost.
Once you hit about forty minutes, you should have the following: Boots (Arcane or Treads), Mekansm, Aghanim's Scepter, and EITHER a Bloodstone, a Scythe, an Orchid, or a Drum and an Urn. Rod of Atos is an option because, paired with all of your slow power, the cripple will completely shut done any escape the other team has. Trust me, Anti-Mage will fear you if you can manage to get a rod. But no rush. ^^
Also, Orchid and Scythe are great because Orchid allows you to deal out more damage than should be legal, and Scythe allows you to stop a threat in it's tracks (such as Sven or Spirit Breaker. Should you indeed choose to go nuke, I would recommend getting Power Treads, Agha, a Drum (to allow your team some push power), a Dagon (Burst Damage + Blast + Chain Frost = 5 dead = Ultra kill), eventually selling your Drum (maybe) and building a Scythe and/or an Orchid.
Again, this is all simply one opinion. You can play with it, come up with your own stuff. These is a suggestion on how to play Lich, there are other (probably better) ways.
At this point you are ready to learn what your job is throughout the game. Well, first off, you need to know when to pick Lich.
Yes! Pick Him!
Well, thanks for reading my guide guys! It's a work in progress, I'm still getting used to all the mechanics. I plan to make the items and skill break down a bit more clear/in depth, but that will come with time. Please give me some feed back for my next guide! GL, HF, Thanks and have a wonderful day!
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