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A step in time revisited

December 3, 2015 by Poor Leno
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shfu | December 4, 2015 1:55pm
I do like this guide, but I don't agree with getting Blink Dagger because Void already has an initiation/escape spell, which is Time Walk.]You should probably add items that help [[Faceless Void deal more damage, like Daedalus. Faceless Void has better items to build or buy then Blink Dagger

I do like your skill build, it is what I do when playing Void and what most Void players should do.
This guide is also written well, you seem to know what you are talking about.

Overall, good guide, but it does need some changes. I understand that this Void build is for when a Void player is having a hard game, but if they follow the laning items you suggested they should be able to turn the game around and buy more traditional Void items. +rep.
Sp3ctr3 (4) | December 3, 2015 6:19pm
Hi! Well, I really like playing Void because he is a mix of initiator and carry, something like Slardar. Usually, when I play Void I go for a Mask of Madness+ Battle Fury build, but if I'm going for Helm of the Dominator the I like to build Mjollnir so the attack speed from Mjollnir allows me to hit faster inside the Chrono since i don't have the MoM. I don't know if it's a good idea, but Manta Style is one of my favorite items too, since your ilusions can attack inside the Chrono. If I'm playing against a Wraith King then I use to skip the Mjollnir or the Manta Style and buy a Diffusal Blade instead, so I can destroy all his mana in the duration of the Chronosphere.
Some people don't make it, but I think that Black King Bar is a must for Void.
magicmat (1) | December 3, 2015 7:10am
Thank you for your guide and new ways of build. But in my opinion there are several basic things which a wrong. I like and play Faceless Void with 70% Winrate in 6.85.

1) Only a small thing: when your lane is realy hard, you should skip Time Lock until lvl 7 completly. There is no way to kill a hero and so its useless. If not, u should go 1-1-1 because Timelock can make the difference when u and your lane partner try to kill someone.
2) Always buy Quelling Blade as an meele hero, special when your lane is hard. It's easier to get single Lasthits and for sure you farming much faster in jungle.
3) Last thing i dont understand. When your lane ist hard and u cant farm there, why u prefer Helm of the Dominator instead Mask of Madness? Mask of Madness will help u so much when farming jungle and even makes it possible to kill a low HP hero (i. e. a support when u have Power Treats). The stacking abillity of the Helm of the Dominator will not help u because u farm so slow without Mask of Madness until u get Maelstrom.

At least, perhaps i will give your build a try in hard game when everything working wrong.:-)
Poor Leno (1) | December 2, 2015 12:31pm
Thanks for the comments guys. Yeah, my formatting was very poor. And you're right Unscathed, it does do less burst damage but it is also safer and imo Void is really ****ing good late game anyway.

If your playstyle is like mine and your team happen to begin doing badly, MoM will probably tend to lead to disaster than anything else. Yes you may chance to burst down the nukers etc. but chances are someone will stun you out of your chrono... or afterwards ... and you'll just melt. Furthermore a lot of players know how to deal with a MoM Void compared to this style.
apaz (17) | September 3, 2015 12:40am
The way I see it is that many voids buy Aghanim's Scepter as a snowball item. If you're slightly losing, and having a bigger Chronosphere range might help you snowball, (and you don't need a BKB or more DPS) Blink Dagger is the right item. The thing is, these games are few and far between, so it is generally overlooked. I've wished I had a Blink Dagger before though. It also lets you blink, chrono, and time walk out. You'd have an initiation, a teamfight ult with DPS backup, and an escape.

Plus, the Drow Ranger build I'm rooting for is Meknsm into Yasha into Ethereal Blade into Manta Style. There are weirder people out there.
cpfran6 (3) | September 2, 2015 5:52pm
Good thoughts here, I appreciate the concept of the build.

You can format your item names with double brackets, ]][[ (facing inwards of course)

For Example:
Mask of Madness= Mask of Madness

Use it to make your guide look cleaner. I like the concept, but I do have one suggestion. This kind of void is usually played as an initiator with a team of ranged carries. Building mostly around chrono, items such as Blink Dagger, Refresher Orb, and Octarine Core. MoM is still a good item, you just have to select targets and use chrono more judiciously. Needs work, but I like the concept.
Unscathed (47) | September 1, 2015 1:45pm
Its not as much about how Blink Dagger is good on Faceless Void...

Its about how other items are better than Blink Dagger. The only thing I can see out of your build if how little damage he will deal. If you are worried about magical nukers so much, buy Mask of Madness and kill them first in chrono. Void scales very well with brute force and not as much with stats. Thats why you should go MoM-->Mjoll almost all the time. I see very little of damage an SnY void will deal. The most tolerable is probably a casual Yasha with its upgrade very situational.
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