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A Second Look at Riki

February 5, 2015 by Grokk
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Pyro Dragonus | December 8, 2014 6:07pm
also u need to change the cuz the newly made riki skill set is different from the old one..:-)
Pyro Dragonus | December 8, 2014 6:04pm
i was playing riki many times and i enjoyed it.IMO why not just buy MoD and don't make it into vlads. MoD is just enough for lifesteal and you can rush.diffusal... once u get ur diffusal u should call cour right? then give the cour the MoD and fly back to base farm the next 1000 gold then call ur cour back from base with valds on it's pack?
also try out molinjor... dmg-attack speed-static shield and magical dmg are also very successive....:-)
personally i go for vlads and diffusal in the way i mentioned above and then i usually want to get malestorm...xD
cuz blink-smoke-purge-extremly high atk spd means death in the smoke..:-)
jjmmyfan | November 8, 2014 4:25am
This's a good guide. But I prefer a Poor Man Shield first and then rush to Power Treads and Diffusal Blade than a Vanguard
Tigerre (4) | August 28, 2014 2:04am


Tigerre (4) | August 28, 2014 2:02am
I agree with the majority of this build, maybe you could get ideas from my build on the steam community and could add them into this guide, you don't have to but it would be nice to see some of my ideas in someone else's guide :D

+1 just for not having Mask of Madness :D
Elbinac | August 6, 2014 8:30pm
I try to only ever be helpful, or ask questions to better my own understanding.

There have been times I've even dared to build support on Riki.
Because the situation called for it.

But it is pretty fun using Blink Strike to position into an active team-fight and pop Smoke/Pipe/Mek/Drum and sneaking around dropping wards/scouting.
Not that you should do it, but it is fun.
Supports are squishy anyway most of the time, so why not perm invisible!

Ok, I'll stop being silly for a bit.
Grokk | August 6, 2014 1:45pm
@Elbinac Thanks for explaining those.

The Vanguard build is from pre-6.80. I am debating taking it down, but I think you can still use it in a small number of situations. These days, I usually go right into Diffusal Blade while maybe getting an Ogre Club if I feel the need for some extra survivability.
Elbinac | August 3, 2014 7:40pm
@ bwy3

The main utility to Manta is clearing Dust.
The illusions are just bonus.

You can use Diffusal to clear Dust as well..
if it isn't on cooldown from gank combo'ing someone.

But with the limit of 16 charges total per Diffusal+upgrade,
you need to be keenly aware of how you are going to need to use it during the game.

Skadi is really cool but it doesn't stack with Diffusal.
You can get that slow from Sange based items, or just Sange itself.
Personally prefer putting my ult orb into a Linken Sphere.

I agree with Vanguard being a bit sketchy.
bwy3 | August 1, 2014 5:30pm
Nice guide.

I've pretty much given up on writing a guide to Riki because it seems almost no matter what you build he'll stomp pubs, and no one listens to you because they think their build is working when they win all the time.

That being said, +1 just for Diffusal Blade and mentioning how much you get out of it.

One thing I think a lot of guides are kind of missing is Skadi, which is an amazing defensive item and synergizes so well with the "keeping them under the cloud" idea as well. Try it!!!

Screw Vanguard, Poor Man's Shield is almost always enough for what you'll face, and it gives damage too! If you need bulk, Skadi is the way to go, even better than Heart in many cases IMO.

Manta Style is a bit iffy because you don't have much bulk usually unless you're hella farmed already, so your illusions are quite fragile. Also don't really agree with early Vlad's, which you have on a few of your builds.
Elbinac | July 31, 2014 11:08pm
There are rare times when it is appropriate to build Tranquil Boots on Riki.
The mobility and regeneration while roaming is great, and the little bit of armor can help.
Generally the sequence being Ring of Basilius+Tango start>Poorman's Shield(?)>Brown Boots>Ring of Regeneration>break down RoB>Urn of Shadows>Yasha>Sange>Diffusal.
You have to play it a little more cautious for a couple levels.
Maybe leach XP from fog and only getting the safe last hits.
But you can roam much more freely once you are ready.
Still need to worry about disables.
And for those I tend to prefer building Linkin's if I can get away with it over BkB early.
Because I prefer to save the BKB charges for later in the game.
When you can be making better use of those extra few seconds.
And after they have spent gold on items to get past your Linkin.
Also that ultimate orb is sexy.
Grokk | May 20, 2014 1:51pm
With a Magic Stick and tread switching, you don't need mana regeneration. It is an amazing item for the cost. I don't like to upgrade it to a Magic Wand, but I know some people do.
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