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5 Votes

A quick guide to get you started on PHANTOM ASSASSIN

September 4, 2012 by SuperNova
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kaihg | December 11, 2013 11:07pm
Not going to downvote or upvote, fairly good guide for a very new player however I'd opt for maxing Stifling Dagger at 7. Far increases your ability to safely last hit and despite what you said shield and Blur do not make her tanky. I completely understand your item justification but I disagree that Battlefury is past mid game. The latest Battlefury should normally be acquired is ~30 minutes, most effectively and preferably at 18-22 minutes with a good farm rate however 26 minutes is still decent. Vlad's is a good choice but does not actually benefit from +damage items, it only benefits from base damage increases which severely decreases its usefulness. Helm of the Dominator is a much more solid item which gives plus damage, armor and a good amount of lifesteal. The active can be used to tank jungle damage if absolutely necessary or to contribute in team fights and can be built into Satanic later. Sorry to tear your guide apart but I'm just trying to help.
SuperNova (16) | September 12, 2012 5:18am
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Why would you get a second point into Blur at lvl 4? A point into blink strike is better.

extra evasion is good, skilling blink decreases cooldown only not as good. still is viable if you want to play with that instead
wilddeonpwn (102) | September 12, 2012 12:59am
Why would you get a second point into Blur at lvl 4? A point into blink strike is better.
pebblecamp (2) | September 4, 2012 4:18pm
Basher is a late core on PA, as it is on most non-illusion based Agi carries.

Vlads is better than HoTD if you're teamfighting early (armor aura), plus it gives non-zero mana regen and push power. It is bad if you're solo farming early, as it takes a base damage of ~135 to get more out of Vlad's damage bonus than HoTD's. Of course you have to decide if the fact it's an aura is worth it.

Of course, HoTD can be used to stack creeps or grab a creep to help you push as well. Wildkins are awesome for pushing with the armor+tornado.
Wulfstan (77) | September 4, 2012 8:27am
I think the Skull Basher/ Abyssal Blade could be good too because of her high attack speed and the blink that also gives attack speed.
SuperNova (16) | September 4, 2012 8:24am
Hades4u wrote:

Instead of Vladmir's Offering I'd get a Helm of the Dominator that gives more damage and that can later on be upgraded to Satanic which makes you way more durable.

hmmm i guess your right, i think i got vlads mainly for the armor and other bonuses but satanic could be another option, i think il make an alternate item build or something
Hades4u (296) | September 4, 2012 8:21am
Instead of Vladmir's Offering I'd get a Helm of the Dominator that gives more damage and that can later on be upgraded to Satanic which makes you way more durable.
NotSureIf (16) | September 4, 2012 5:29am
Battle Fury despite the price tag is incredibly useful as it provides HP and Mana regeneration on top of Cleave which Phantom Assassin can benefit from early on. It provides a faster farming rate as well which is an added bonus.
SuperNova (16) | September 4, 2012 5:27am
NotSureIf wrote:

Not a bad start. Good to see you took the advise I gave into account from your other guide. However the wall of text can be broken up a little bit more, which you will come to terms with later on. Formatting aside, you may want to consider adding possible laning partners Phantom Assassin will work well with. Also include what heroes will easily counter her such as Pugna and how you can overcome them. It isn't completely necessary to have the level 2 Blur at level 4 as level 1 is sufficient until later on. You may also want to consider removing the Ring of Aquila, as it isn't necessary when you can keep the Ring of Basilius to go straight into your Vladmir's Offering. Battle Fury is something you'd want to build first off as - similar to Anti Mage - Phantom Assassin benefits from early to mid game farm from this item as it will allow her to eat creep waves and neutral camps faster. This means more gold for late game.

+1 for your efforts.

i understand, its just that battle fury is so expensive and aquila i always build when im playing an agility hero for some reason
NotSureIf (16) | September 4, 2012 5:24am
Not a bad start. Good to see you took the advise I gave into account from your other guide. However the wall of text can be broken up a little bit more, which you will come to terms with later on. Formatting aside, you may want to consider adding possible laning partners Phantom Assassin will work well with. Also include what heroes will easily counter her such as Pugna and how you can overcome them. It isn't completely necessary to have the level 2 Blur at level 4 as level 1 is sufficient until later on. You may also want to consider removing the Ring of Aquila, as it isn't necessary when you can keep the Ring of Basilius to go straight into your Vladmir's Offering. Battle Fury is something you'd want to build first off as - similar to Anti Mage - Phantom Assassin benefits from early to mid game farm from this item as it will allow her to eat creep waves and neutral camps faster. This means more gold for late game.

+1 for your efforts.
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