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2 Votes

A motivation guide for techies

January 3, 2015 by Curryfishballa
Comments: 7    |    Views: 11824    |   

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akhokhay (1) | January 4, 2015 12:49am

Thanks for the comments. I actually learn somethings from you guys :) . All of you have your own play style and this is just mine. I am just hoping maybe you might pick one or two useful things from my guide and maybe mix them with your own play style. Thanks for the time you have given on my first guide. Yes, I may have missed some items like escape items because i rarely dies with techies but i will never disagree to get one. Yes, tranquil boots does great with soul ring but after many games with techies, arcane does me better as i regen up before the soul ring cd is done. Well, dagon is a very good item when you dont have space to place bombs. All of you have good opinions :)

Well hope more guides from u since you have experience.

Agree with arcane boot.

Still need more clarification on Dagon. why? maybe some pictures will do the trick.
Also I think you can use few build for example
build 1: Agha+Dagon
Build 2: Agha+Eul
Build 3: Ghost Scepter + blink dagger
and so on.
apaz (17) | January 3, 2015 2:52pm
Usually, you want to fix your mana problems instead of going Dagon. Or, If you're feeding, get a Ghost Scepter and/or Force Staff. Also, the guide is kind of just a wall of text. Read the formatting guide Here. That should solve a lot of problems.
Curryfishballa | January 3, 2015 7:14am
Thanks for the comments. I actually learn somethings from you guys :) . All of you have your own play style and this is just mine. I am just hoping maybe you might pick one or two useful things from my guide and maybe mix them with your own play style. Thanks for the time you have given on my first guide. Yes, I may have missed some items like escape items because i rarely dies with techies but i will never disagree to get one. Yes, tranquil boots does great with soul ring but after many games with techies, arcane does me better as i regen up before the soul ring cd is done. Well, dagon is a very good item when you dont have space to place bombs. All of you have good opinions :)
akhokhay (1) | January 3, 2015 12:55am
Unscathed wrote:

-Core dagon
-No euls
-No item explanation


Also I prefer necrobook over dagon! it has true sight on lvl 3 + hell of good abilities.

Also you can start with TP+Courier+SR recipe+4 mana then yiu can plant lots of mine. Remember that Sobi mask is not that useful at early lvl vs. clarity potions
TheGooGaming (29) | January 2, 2015 7:13am
This isnt as long as you think for a guide.
Unscathed (47) | January 2, 2015 2:02am
-Core dagon
-No euls
-No item explanation
wangyuphing (9) | January 2, 2015 1:18am
1. If you are going Soul Ring I suggest for Tranquil Boots to heal the damage from your SR.
2. No escape mechanism [ Force Staff , Blink Dagger , Eul's Scepter of Divinity even some noobs I saw build Shadow Blade].
3. Why Bin Laden?
4. Read this Dr.D's Guide Formatting and You
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