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A guide to the harbinger (6.88)

July 9, 2016 by TheGhostReader
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Rayz0072 | June 27, 2016 10:27am
Hey what about orchid and its upgrade? Is it good to build it considering that rod of atos doesn't give true strike anymore but the orchid upgrade does?
TheGhostReader | July 9, 2016 7:15am
I haven't been in dotafire for awhile
I will update the guide and add it soon :)
dp2545 | June 16, 2016 11:54am
Would U consider building dagon in od as a lvl 5 dagon gives 28 int + a hell lot amount of damage to him ???
TheGhostReader | July 9, 2016 7:13am
Despite giving 28 int Dagon 5 is well.... Dagon 5... no survivability or whatsoever... Besides you already hit really hard and Dagon 5 is a 5k+ worth of gold that only gives burst magic damage and i'm pretty sure Anti-Mage will laugh at a Dagon 5 damage or
1.You can spend 5k+ gold to buy scythe and make him sad
2.Even a 4k gold Moon Shard is more useful it allows you to steal int and kill really really fast
devil1000 | May 3, 2016 11:26am
someone plz help me this new od is really weak after 4 or 5 time i use Arcane Orb my mana almost is zero so i cant do anything and ESSENCE AURA cant spam mana guys plz someone help me
TheGhostReader | May 4, 2016 5:31am
devil1000 wrote:
someone plz help me this new od is really weak after 4 or 5 time i use Arcane Orb my mana almost is zero so i cant do anything and ESSENCE AURA cant spam mana guys plz someone help me

hey there... well the increase mana cost of Arcane Orb when you level it up does affect Essence Aura a bit,but you know Essence Aura is not a mana spamming ability. It gives a CHANCE to restore your mana back. so it's more of a luck but the proc is pretty high and the amount you restore once you max it up is pretty high as well. If you're talking about early game... then yes... you can run out of mana especially below lvl 7 and when you're not maxing Essence Aura first. Mid to late game that almost never happen.
TheGhostReader | April 24, 2016 12:00am
Thanks for the feedbacks guys

Sp3ctr3 wrote:
I thougth Arcane Orb wasn't an UAM anymore in 6.86, just like Silencer's shurikens or Enchantress's Impetus, is good to know that I was mistaken. The guide is really good, I like it a lot. Would you consider build a Butterfly in Outworld Devourer? I have tried the item sometimes and I have to say that I like it a lot.

Ah i'm so glad my guide actually help :D, i think the fact that it's not a UAM is the reason why it's "Balance".Ah yeah i almost forgot about Butterfly since i think a Moon Shard is already good enough and cost effective as well but i'll try it soon,i can't play in a couple of days coz i'm a little busy huehuehue

soreslands wrote:
would you consider putting nyx assassin on the enemy list?

oh yeah,i forgot to add invis ganker.Not just Nyx Assassin i think most of them are annoying especially they either build Orchid's Malevollence/Smoke Bomb in Riki's case or it's a Weaver.i'll add it soon thanks dude:)

ChiChi wrote:
Watch out for the nerf hammer... IT'S COMING FOR YOU!

Ahah kidding. Nice guide mate! I don't really play the hero, so sorry if I can't do a better comment on your content :)

Thanks chichi,Ah yeah,people are too focused on nerfing Invoker that they forgot about Outworld Devourer. But i think OD is pretty "balanced" since Arcane Orb can't pierce magic immunity and is not a UAM. the only reason he isn't because he builds anti carry item as his cores since he is an int carries Rod of Atos and Schyte of Vyse with a Moon Shard in your slot is an almost guaranteed kill to anyone. Hell i once outcarried a fed up Juggernaut, Phantom Assassin and Pudge as their tank in the same game with those 3 items and both Jugs and PA build a BKB
Sp3ctr3 (4) | April 22, 2016 8:29am
I thougth Arcane Orb wasn't an UAM anymore in 6.86, just like Silencer's shurikens or Enchantress's Impetus, is good to know that I was mistaken. The guide is really good, I like it a lot. Would you consider build a Butterfly in Outworld Devourer? I have tried the item sometimes and I have to say that I like it a lot.
soreslands | April 22, 2016 6:29am
would you consider putting nyx assassin on the enemy list?
ChiChi (47) | April 22, 2016 5:14am
Watch out for the nerf hammer... IT'S COMING FOR YOU!

Ahah kidding. Nice guide mate! I don't really play the hero, so sorry if I can't do a better comment on your content :)
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