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So once upon a time there was this goddess named Nyx. And Nyx was like, "hey, wouldn't it be cool if I had an assassin." So she chose a random scarab and was like "hey you're my assassin now hope you're cool with that lol oh btw you're now named after me." Then Nyx Assassin was like "nyxnyxnyxnyxnyx" and then went and killed some schoolchildren because he's ****ing hardcore.
On his travels he discovered a weird land where people defend these ancient buildings so he was like "oh I'll give this a try" but then he discovered that everyone was a noob and didn't buy sentry wards and he destroyed them all and went 50-0-15 and still lost because his team was filled with ****ing feeder noobs. But he was like "hey Nyx so I killed a bunch of people" and Nyx was like "oh cool here's an avada kedavra wand" and then he destroyed even more people.
The end
First off always take midlane. I don't care if some outworld devourer or Puck is whining that "Nyx is really more a support in the pro meta and his skill-set is not very midlane oriented and I just looked at your profile and you have a 41% winrate and .24 average kda with this hero and I'm a really good" NO. TAKE MIDLANE. If someone argues type in allchat "report pls lol noob OD trying to take midlane." Should really help you get along with your team which is paramount for ganking.
So. You have midlane. Get a bottle. It's good for picking up runes and girls to gank and sustain your low mana pool. Like I said, use these runes to gank. By the way, little bottle tip here. Use a bottle charge right before pressing r so you restore some of your lost mana. It adds up so you can unleash your combo.
What's your combo? Right-click out of r, then q them, then w them, then dagon them if you have it. If you have e-blade because the game's going forever then use your e-blade after attacking out of your r. If you are taking out an important target and have Black King Bar activate it after your right-click. If you have
Refresher Orb you can **GASP** use it TWICE!
So you're ganking from mid to side lanes. "But Krilky," you ask, "what if they have wards?" Then **** those tryhard meganerds. You should probably abandon.
When there is an outworld devourer on the other team. You're one of the few heroes who does well against him in mid, because if he Astral Imprisonments you a lot, just prioritize
Mana Burn instead of
Impale and have fun with your five million damage and mana nuke.
When there are squishy enemies. Obviously you have burst and so you'll do nothing to Axe.
If you have a Lifestealer. Nothing is more fun than pretending to go yolo-mode into a group of 3 enemies and then having
Lifestealer burst out and destroying their hopes and dreams of ending your beyond godlike streak.
If there's a Sniper since you can press e to ruin his day.
You're gonna start out with Iron Branch. THREE OF THEM. Why? Because **** you, that's why. And Iron Branch is ****ing overpowered. It's gg. You're unstoppable. Look at this ****. 19 ****ing health. It's imba already. But wait, you also get 13 ****ing mana. Sweet baby ****ing jesus. And that's not all, you also get 1 damage. Nerf this item. Nerf it hard.
You'll also start with a tango. "But Krilky," you say in your noobish disgustingness, "why no Healing Salve which I coded into the site with a link because I'm such a tryhard meganerd loser who can't compare to the awesomeness of this guide which is amazing and I'll give 5 stars?" Because Nyx has 3.2 health regen with no items. NERF THIS MAN. HE'S ****ING BROKEN. So basically the tangoes aren't even THAT necessary if you lasthit well enough to get a bottle before two minutes.
Next pick up your Bottle. Why? Because **** you I know Dota like the back of my hand, which I actually don't know that well, but never mind. The mana is really what you're getting it for, as well as the runes. #***healthamirite. If you get an invis rune it's gg. Your skillset really benefits from the invis since it allows you a way to sneak up on someone undetected, which is Nyx's only weakness, that he can't sneak up. Haste is ****ing imba since even if you tryhard meganerd loser opponents have a ward down there they can't run because you're a ****ing speed buggy (see what I did there? lol I'm so clever). A regen rune is nice since you can activate it right before pressing r for full mana which is nice. No one gives a **** about illusion or dd runes. Go kill yourself illusion and dd runes. No one likes you, and dd, your wife is cheating on you.
Next get a Null Talisman. This **** is even more imba than the gg branch. But I'm not gonna talk about the
Null Talisman since it is so ****ing boring an item, unlike the exciting yet dependable
Iron Branch.
Next get your ****ing dagon you ****ing noob. This item is really the ultimate ganking tool. I think it's obvious why. The item gives you +3 agility and +9 damage. HOLY **** THAT'S INCREDIBLE. THAT'S AN ENTIRE +12 DAMAGE. PUNISH THEM WITH YOUR SICK RIGHT CLICKS. But if it's not already imba enough you get 57 HEALTH. HOLY ****. Oh yeah also you get 800 damage with 100 manacost and low cooldown that's low but I'm too lazy to look up.
I have enough gold and time to get an item after dagon 5 in like 2% of games so I'm not really experienced. But here are the 4 items I alternate between on the rare occasion I can get an item after dagon 5. I sometimes get an e-blade because **** you. It gives 40% magic amplification and stops you from taking sick right clicks. You can use this to yolo hard into enemies with a bkb, which is also situational. You can get a heart for more health. Or you can get a ****ING REFRESHER ORB NOOB. GG.
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