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A guide to new Juggernaut

April 30, 2014 by datvu2408
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GGnet.Ace (4) | May 4, 2014 7:46am
Sir No orchid and drums in your guide and not maxed blade fury just to get early crits .DO THE MATH numbers rarely lie.Who gives a **** about 100-120 damage crits when you can have reliable damage form spin.And also in level 6 you dont have mana for ulti+blade fury ...
Fury+Stats+1 level ward and critical after level 11 ,thats how juggernat works
KoDyAbAbA (65) | May 1, 2014 5:23am
I have issues with your skill-build.Big ones.

it doesn't matter if juggernaut has a level 4 Crystalis.

I would rather have a high damaging Black King Bar Instead. You feeling me right now.

but then some people do like the big red numbers your thing.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 1, 2014 12:33am
You overestimate Blade Dance.

Also, a Drum of Endurance would be a pretty good pre-Agh's pickup.
mastadoom (7) | April 30, 2014 8:42pm
I feel that this skill build wrong on so many levels, Blade Fury does a TON of damage early on (400/500/600/700) netting you a bunch of kills. As a mid game oriented carry you need those kills. So you don't skill it because you need the set up? Thats the point of jugg, lane with a hero that has set up, popular heros to lane with jugg are; Shadow Demon, Crystal Maiden, Shadow Shaman, Lion etc...

Also the new BAT incress of 0.1 doesn't do enough for you to get blade dance early, stats are way better for Jugg early so that he can use Blade fury more often.
Moodkill (9) | April 30, 2014 7:42pm

I really dont think any carry should pick medalion once its a supports item and the monetária can be spend on a bracer/drums, also im against the MoM on Jug.
-1 Sry

Bounty can pick up medallion though.
datvu2408 | April 30, 2014 6:28pm

I really dont think any carry should pick medalion once its a supports item and the monetária can be spend on a bracer/drums, also im against the MoM on Jug.
-1 Sry

I did said they are very situational
datvu2408 | April 30, 2014 6:26pm

^ Bounty Hunter and Templar Assassin can pick it up due to the armour reduction, even if they are carries. Since Omnislash deals physical damage, it justifies the item pick-up, although better items could be spent. Mask of Madness is listed as a situational item.

Putting 2 points into Blade Dance is a big disadvantage, since you do not have the attack spped to proc it at a reliable waste. Stats is often needed to use Omnislash and Blade Fury together. It should be gotten after you maxed Blade Fury with 1 point in Healing Ward.

There are some sections missing as I feel there should be colours and a bit more detail.

thank you
ShoutyShout13 (2) | April 30, 2014 5:59pm
^ Bounty Hunter and Templar Assassin can pick it up due to the armour reduction, even if they are carries. Since Omnislash deals physical damage, it justifies the item pick-up, although better items could be spent. Mask of Madness is listed as a situational item.

Putting 2 points into Blade Dance is a big disadvantage, since you do not have the attack spped to proc it at a reliable waste. Stats is often needed to use Omnislash and Blade Fury together. It should be gotten after you maxed Blade Fury with 1 point in Healing Ward.

There are some sections missing as I feel there should be colours and a bit more detail.
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