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1 Votes

A Detailed Guide to Oracle w/ Blubbles

February 22, 2015 by Blubbles
Comments: 5    |    Views: 11183    |   

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Despot69 | March 3, 2015 8:16pm
Hopefully you'll keep working on it, it's shaping really well. Also, LAMPSHADES ON FIAHHH
FleetAU (16) | February 25, 2015 10:42pm

Oracle's purge purges buffs from enemies not debuffs. You should correct that.

wrong, you should correct that
apaz (17) | February 23, 2015 7:25pm
It looks like it's shaping up to be a great guide. Obviously, finish it, but there are also some problems with it.

Also, add analysis into why you pick certain items over others. You'll find that it not only helps others learn how to build the hero, it also helps you. Actually, add more analysis overall. Perhaps a chapter on combos. Perhaps a Friends/Foes/Food section as well. Also, when do we pick oracle? If your team has 4 supports already, usually Naga Siren, Anti Mage or Shadow Fiend are going to be a better pick.

Basically, the point of making a guide to a hero is to teach somebody something that they didn't previously know about the hero, or the way that the hero plays. I don't really think that I've learned anything so far.

Also, carry Oracle? Really? Lina tends to be better in most every way for this role, possessing much more burst and gank potential, and scaling into the late game due to Fiery Soul. Sure Oracle has a spangly Base Attack Time, but he can't compare to a skill that gives 4.6 Hyperstones. She also tends to be much more dominant in lane, due to the spamability of Dragon Slave with Bottle and one Clarity as a starting item.

All of this being said, I think you've formatted your guide quite nicely, but you just have to put about 5-12 more hours of work into it. Simply giving Lore, Skills, Items, and some other unfinished builds is not enough to create a good guide.

My Lina Mid guide:
Quaerenti | February 23, 2015 11:33am
well thought out guide. It could use a "Laning and gameplay" section, instead of a "Purge Plays" video. Other than that it's great. +1
SatomiCappucino (12) | February 21, 2015 10:09pm
Oracle's purge purges buffs from enemies not debuffs. You should correct that.
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