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3 Votes

7.13b Offlane Faceless Void

April 23, 2018 by Pl3b
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LordVesper (5) | April 23, 2018 6:47pm
You have my vote. However, I disagree with always aiming for Helm of the Dominator and getting it within 10 minutes. This is simply too much to ask for most games since the enemy supports will zone you out, not allowing you to get enough gold for it. What do you propose we should do in these situations? To add, I think HotD is better bought on less greedy heroes who can really utilize what the neutral creeps have to offer ( Lycan, Enchantress, Chen, Beastmaster, and other early-aggression heroes come to mind).
Pl3b (2) | April 27, 2018 7:57am
I know what you mean and to be honest its where void seems to fall flat, if you get really shut down you need to rely on your team for recovery, i just skip helm in those cases and opt for SB or blink and just build some utily eg vlads. The real value is getting that early tier 1 on the offlane and split pushing aggessivly.
And on those other heroes i would say lycan and BM yes the other two no, ench and chen just need other items that are way more value.
LordVesper (5) | April 29, 2018 6:40am
Alright, glad to hear that you don't always rush Helm of the Dominator on him. Anyways, I suppose it really just comes down to the game situation whether or not you get the item on any hero, eh?
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