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6.84 guide to mid ember spirit itemization

August 20, 2015 by TinyTitan
Comments: 4    |    Views: 14999    |   

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-BrokeN-BrokeN- (4) | October 1, 2015 10:29am
Yo I didn't really read in detail, I just skimmed over it, but I mean everything seems pretty on point some valuable information here for those learning the mechanics of the Hero. One thing I did notice however is;

TinyTitan wrote:
Silver edge- with correct timing, you can activate it and SoF, and return invisible. However it's not that great and I only get it if there is a passive I need to deal with (pa, bristle) and nobody else is buying a silver edge

This is slightly incorrect. This interactions works with Shadow Blade, but does not work with the upgraded Silver Edge. It was patched out shortly after SE was introduced, as applying 225 bonus damage and break to all 5 Heroes was broken as ****. Again, it does work with Shadow Blade, but not with Silver Edge
apaz (17) | August 21, 2015 5:05am
Unscathed wrote:

Short comment here, but I question your levelling of Sleight of Fist. With one point of it one can easily catch up to the enemy using Searing Chains while sleighting. Especially with the fact that Searing Chains has a relatively low cooldown.

I think that the value point in Sleight of Fist should be taken instead of the 4th point in Searing Chains, because the damage scaling from 3 to 4 is kinda meh. That's what I've been doing, anyway.

Also, a situational item to consider is Arcane Boots. I get yelled at a lot for building it, but Ember Spirit's mana pool isn't big enough to use all of his spells. With activating a Fire Remnant taking 150 mana, and the hero's 300 mana at level 6, and also being a hero with 4 actives that cost in the 100s of mana, you need more or the hero isn't good enough. Arcane Boots, once you figure the +135 mana on the active, is a more cost efficient manapool item than Iron Branch. Usually, Drum of Endurance is what people pick to solve this problem, but it costs far more, and gives far less mana, barely a extra Searing Chains. It gives HP, but Flame Guard is basically HP too. If you're bursted down, chances are, at least 500 of that damage is magical. You don't really need HP items. If they try and burst you, you can usually escape, drop a remnant, TP home, and come back to fight. The damage it gives is barely noticable, and attack speed is useless. Sure it gives chase for your Flame Guard, but everyone knows stat items are not the way to go on Ember.

I would say it's good when you need to take fights early (as in, good in 6.84), and when you want to stack damage items as fast as possible. If you're more worried about getting solo kills chasing people down than contributing to fights to your full potential, Phase is probably the way to go.
TinyTitan | August 20, 2015 4:18pm
Unscathed wrote:

Short comment here, but I question your levelling of Sleight of Fist. With one point of it one can easily catch up to the enemy using Searing Chains while sleighting. Especially with the fact that Searing Chains has a relatively low cooldown.

I'll also keep the second item battlefury over Daedalus in mind.

Very true, I did mention leveling it situationally against certain matchup. Forgot about that too, will add it. Thanks for the feedback!
Unscathed (47) | August 20, 2015 10:42am
Short comment here, but I question your levelling of Sleight of Fist. With one point of it one can easily catch up to the enemy using Searing Chains while sleighting. Especially with the fact that Searing Chains has a relatively low cooldown.

I'll also keep the second item battlefury over Daedalus in mind.
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