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16 Votes

3C's Comprehensive Guide of Lanaya

October 18, 2013 by 3Cccccccc
Comments: 18    |    Views: 162683    |   

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Tikru8 (4) | January 10, 2014 3:15am
3Cccccccccc: so, what are your tricks & tips for baiting out Razors Static Link - keeping creeps in the river or on your ramp slope (so that you can run up the hill to break the link by breaking the line-of-sight)? Does Meld break link BTW?
3Cccccccc | October 29, 2013 11:30am
CrusHard wrote:

3cc What do you think about alternating the drums with Aquila+Medallion of Courage, it's around the same price. Gives more armor, some nice stats and even greater power to take rosh down. Also -armor is great for ganking with meld (-14 armor).

I used to go medallion but ever since the Refraction nerf i think having more mana pool is important. Having boots, bottle, 1 of the core 3, magic wand and TP already take 5 inventory space, so I dont build medallion.
CrusHard | October 26, 2013 11:54am
3cc What do you think about alternating the drums with Aquila+Medallion of Courage, it's around the same price. Gives more armor, some nice stats and even greater power to take rosh down. Also -armor is great for ganking with meld (-14 armor).
3Cccccccc | October 22, 2013 3:02pm
Wilson65 wrote:

Pudge is not a foe? Templar is my fav hero and i got crushed mid a few times by this bastard. He can rot your refraction in less than a second and disable you.

And in mid he will try to kill you from lvl 2. If you try to meld, he will rot there ages. If you try to kill him, hook + rot.

I never had problem facing Pudge, I think he is very weak, all you need to do is hit&run, it is very hard for him to land a hook even in melee range. Try to side step and walk around. You always have lane advantage because you push faster with Psi Blades. Also you can use Healing Salve and Bottle during rot, and pudge has long attack time, heal up in between fights to dual him.

A pudge will not go on you if you have 2-3 creeps on him, so lane control, creep control and Psi Blades harass is the key to this match up. However if the pudge is pooled and starts with shield+lots of str item, it is a problem. You should always be able to crush pudge in mid unless he is heavily pooled or with random gold.
Wilson65 (1) | October 21, 2013 12:51am
Pudge is not a foe? Templar is my fav hero and i got crushed mid a few times by this bastard. He can rot your refraction in less than a second and disable you.

And in mid he will try to kill you from lvl 2. If you try to meld, he will rot there ages. If you try to kill him, hook + rot.
3Cccccccc | October 18, 2013 11:42pm
Feeder_Chan wrote:

I don't know I never really have much problem dealing with Huskar. Huskar lvl 1 burning spear doesn't trigger refraction unless he has two stacks on him. So by keeping the creeps close to your hill you can out deny him and pick up level 2 for your Psi blade and burn his regen. So for the first two levels he'll be spending 15 health to do no damage. So the key to the match up is getting a lead in the mid.

This is just based on personal experience from what I faced against Huskar in the past.

The problem is most huskar in my game knows the match up. Huskar generally will just use a tango right when he meets the creep and come spear you down. If you dont come up to fight for creeps he will deny when creeps below half and get the lane back. If huskar play the match-up right there is absolutely no way for TA to win, he doesnt need to win trades, just get the lane back and he can stand on your hill like a boss.
Feeder_Chan | October 18, 2013 12:16pm
I don't know I never really have much problem dealing with Huskar. Huskar lvl 1 burning spear doesn't trigger refraction unless he has two stacks on him. So by keeping the creeps close to your hill you can out deny him and pick up level 2 for your Psi blade and burn his regen. So for the first two levels he'll be spending 15 health to do no damage. So the key to the match up is getting a lead in the mid.

This is just based on personal experience from what I faced against Huskar in the past.
3Cccccccc | October 15, 2013 7:33pm
TeTSee wrote:

Big math mistakes on my part :P

i guess i'm misinformed, thanks for the correction

np, but the math is quite useless. Depends on who you want to kill, massive armor reduction works well against bruisers, attack speed+crit for agi carries is the general rule.
TeTSee | October 15, 2013 6:56pm
Big math mistakes on my part :P

i guess i'm misinformed, thanks for the correction
3Cccccccc | October 15, 2013 1:59pm
TeTSee wrote:

I really like this guide man, loads of good info, especially on lane dominance. The pictures are great for letting people know exactly what you're talking about, too.

Something to know is that armor reduction isn't less effective when the enemy has more armor. Rather, the -7 armor from Desolator will always provide an increase to your damage throughout the game (around 30% if I'm doing it right), independent of your targets' armour value. You can still go AC, and that will make both of those items worth more, but it's not necessary late game.

Great job

Thanks, with regards to armor reduction, the damage increase is directly dependent on your target's armor value. For example if you attack a target with 30 armor, deso will decrease armor to 23. At 30 armor the dmg reduction is 64% and 23 armor its 58%, you only increase your damage by 6%.Armor is accumulative percentage based, so it gives less dmg reduction as you have more armor, damage reduction works the same.

I think if you are facing massive armor opponents, and you dont have any other armor reduction on your team, it is better to go for other damage items. Armor reduction really falls off late game verses agi carries. If the opponent has 30 armor(which is very likely for agi carry with 4 slots items), Desolator+ Meld will give you around 16% damage boost,while Meld along will give you 7%ish. I dont think the cost justify the effect unless you combo it with AC.
TeTSee | October 15, 2013 11:25am
I really like this guide man, loads of good info, especially on lane dominance. The pictures are great for letting people know exactly what you're talking about, too.

Something to know is that armor reduction isn't less effective when the enemy has more armor. Rather, the -7 armor from Desolator will always provide an increase to your damage throughout the game (around 30% if I'm doing it right), independent of your targets' armour value. You can still go AC, and that will make both of those items worth more, but it's not necessary late game.

Great job
shitmanlol | October 14, 2013 9:58pm
what a amazing player omfg
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