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5 Votes

+280 damage? Yes Please!

January 13, 2014 by moistointment
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cocolapin | February 13, 2014 2:30pm
the jungle build is total ****, considering you are too ez to kill.
ReAlChemist (2) | January 15, 2014 7:41pm
I meant in terms of what it disbles. For example, Doom disables Backtrack and Greater Bash but Duel doesn't.
samukobo (28) | January 15, 2014 7:28pm
Nubtrain wrote:

Well I'll have to disagree with you, it's as strong as Doom. Why? It silences the enemy items and ALSO locks them down. Duel effectively transitions LC from an initiator to a hard hitting semi-carry.

They're for completely different purposes so comparing them directly is...

Doom doesn't lock them down but it lasts way longer and goes through magic immunity.

Duel locks the enemies down while having the same effect as doom AND giving +DMG (usually) to LC, but it has a much shorter range and can sometimes backfire.

Overall Duel is more powerful, but they're used for different things so Doom is better at what it does.
Nubtrain (58) | January 15, 2014 2:40pm
ReAlChemist wrote:

PS. Duel isn't as powerful as Doom, so it won't disable everything Doom does, but it shouldn't disable anything Doom doesn't.

Well I'll have to disagree with you, it's as strong as Doom. Why? It silences the enemy items and ALSO locks them down. Duel effectively transitions LC from an initiator to a hard hitting semi-carry.
ReAlChemist (2) | January 15, 2014 1:58pm
Desolator has no interaction with Doom or Duel to my knowledge. Here's a good resource on what Doom/ Duel disables: Did you playtest the Deso/Duel interaction? It might very well work as you indicate just because Duel is incredibly buggy.

The only time I would get desolator on Legion Commander is if I already have Assault Cuirass, I'm against a ridiculously high armor hero like Dragon Knight, and no one on my team is willing/able to get the item.

PS. Duel isn't as powerful as Doom, so it won't disable everything Doom does, but it shouldn't disable anything Doom doesn't.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 15, 2014 1:16pm
Seriously? The Desolator applies? I knew about the Maelstrom and the maim, but I thought armor reduction was just too strong for it. My point still stands though: while the Deso is good for your first duels, as it doesn't give you attack speed and you get extra damage from Duels you might want to go for something like a Drum of Endurance or Maelstrom, especially because by the time you farm a Desolator you would probably have some bonus damage already. This makes the Desolator more viable after a few core items (like the one you listed), but I'm not completely sure about getting it straight after a Blink Dagger.

EDIT: The armor reduction from the Desolator only applies if you hit the enemies before starting a Duel. Ehh, that's not exactly what you want from a Blink initiation.
ReAlChemist (2) | January 13, 2014 9:17am
Peppo, there are three item UAMs that apply during Duel: Deso, OoV/Skadi, and Maelstrom/Mjollnir. S&Y maim can also apply, but it isn't a UAM. Sometimes I go for a tank/anti-kite build that includes Drums, S&Y, Skadi since as the game gets towards late Duel isn't enough disable/anti-kite to actually make use of all your damage. Desolator is generally bad on LC though since it doesn't give her much for the gold or item slot compared to the other -Armor items (Medallion, AC). In terms of item/skill builds, you might find my LC guide helpful (

To the OP, you have basically gone all-in on hitting hard using Duel damage without actually having a good way to win Duels or make us of the damage in fights (ie. not get kited, stay alive). One thing that would help would be to replace Desolator with Orb of Venom, Drum of Endurance, and Medallion of Courage.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 13, 2014 7:21am
Maxing W after Q is almost always what you want to do, since your attacks aren't so strong before getting damage items (i.e. after level 12-13) and you want that extra HP regen for allies as well.

I'm not so sure about the Desolator either, since orbs don't apply when Dueling and you already have a ton of extra damage when you're outside of duels: the lack of attack speed is also a common problem for STR carries (just take a look at the pitful AS of carries like Wraith King, Chaos Knight and even Tiny!), so you should focus on minimizing this disadvantage. I either go for initiation items ( Blink Dagger, Shadow Blade, Blade Mail etc.) or attack speed-increasing items ( Drum of Endurance, Armlet of Mordiggian, Assault Cuirass, Mjollnir, Sange and Yasha...), then proceed taking auras like Vlad's or, again, the Cuirass; as you shouldn't be your team's main carry, focusing on auras is more beneficial for your team. If the game goes even longer going for damage items is fine - if you have enough attack speed; I still wouldn't take orbs though.
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