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5 Votes

100% MoM is for Little Girls

January 21, 2013 by ReaperDota
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Verlybar | March 8, 2013 8:00am
At least someone who think like me :)
but i buy Mjolnir for chance to chain lightning btw for me it is better :)
ReaperDota | February 4, 2013 1:07pm
Prome wrote:

two words: MANA POOL.

storm bolt = 145 mana
warcry = 25 mana
gods strength = 100/150/200 mana

sven's mana pool
lvl 1 = 185
lvl 16 = 455
lvl 25 = 845

manta style active = 165 mana


5k item? Lemme just make a counter argument...
Mjollnir = 350 more gold, and gives 14 more damage and 65 more attack speed.
on top of that a really cool active and UAM that lets you have more AOE.

5.4k item? hmmm. wait a sec, I can do better...
Armlet active= +40 damage, +25 attack speed, and +25 strength. +5 armour and +8 hp regen with that.
all for 2.6k gold.

but wait, the active reduces my health at 40 hp per second! what can I do...?

****ing mask of madness.

You have an excellent point. I'm actually going to try Maelstorm into Mjollnir. Out on a limb here, but picking up the malestorm earlier would help extremely well with farming. I'll post how the results turn out.
Mirror (22) | February 3, 2013 11:44am
two words: MANA POOL.

storm bolt = 145 mana
warcry = 25 mana
gods strength = 100/150/200 mana

sven's mana pool
lvl 1 = 185
lvl 16 = 455
lvl 25 = 845

manta style active = 165 mana


5k item? Lemme just make a counter argument...
Mjollnir = 350 more gold, and gives 14 more damage and 65 more attack speed.
on top of that a really cool active and UAM that lets you have more AOE.

5.4k item? hmmm. wait a sec, I can do better...
Armlet active= +40 damage, +25 attack speed, and +25 strength. +5 armour and +8 hp regen with that.
all for 2.6k gold.

but wait, the active reduces my health at 40 hp per second! what can I do...?

****ing mask of madness.

yeah, pretty every reason not to get Manta

One thing not pointed out is you already have a drum, and the move speed from drum and manta style do not stack

I like that you are trying to think out side the box but there is a reason people only get Manta style on Agi heros and Chaos Knight
Prome (2) | February 3, 2013 11:42am
btw, code linking to your stream in the "CREDITS" is faulty. just a heads up
Prome (2) | February 3, 2013 11:31am
two words: MANA POOL.

storm bolt = 145 mana
warcry = 25 mana
gods strength = 100/150/200 mana

sven's mana pool
lvl 1 = 185
lvl 16 = 455
lvl 25 = 845

manta style active = 165 mana


5k item? Lemme just make a counter argument...
Mjollnir = 350 more gold, and gives 14 more damage and 65 more attack speed.
on top of that a really cool active and UAM that lets you have more AOE.

5.4k item? hmmm. wait a sec, I can do better...
Armlet active= +40 damage, +25 attack speed, and +25 strength. +5 armour and +8 hp regen with that.
all for 2.6k gold.

but wait, the active reduces my health at 40 hp per second! what can I do...?

****ing mask of madness.
ReaperDota | January 21, 2013 11:58pm
PoNySoNg wrote:

So right after BKB you go for Manta? Isn't that a bit early? For the purposes stated above it's more of a post Heart item and even than you rather get daedalus before it so your cleave can get that extra punch when you luck out with god strength.

I feel the manta style gives you that right amount of attack speed that works extremely well in cooperation with Sven's ult, so yes, going Daedalus does give you more damage but you're also missing out on that important attack speed. The Heart just pushes their efficiency a little further by making them last a longer. You're already pretty beefy with BKB, Drum, and Warcry so I like getting manta before Heart.
PoNySoNg | January 21, 2013 9:52pm
So right after BKB you go for Manta? Isn't that a bit early? For the purposes stated above it's more of a post Heart item and even than you rather get daedalus before it so your cleave can get that extra punch when you luck out with god strength.
ReaperDota | January 21, 2013 5:05pm

Honestly this build makes little to no sense, there's not a single reason to go for a Manta Style.

It gives you +26 agi and 15 attack speed and two illusions that don't profit from your ultimate for 5k gold. That's simply trash.

Otherwise, your explanations like "Get this ****" or "612 billion kills" are just worthless.

Guides are for teaching especially newer players how to play a hero they like or they want to get better with, your guide is just misleading and far from finished. (I'm not taking your graphical style into my consideration coz I feel like there's a lot of criticism already.)

Through my literally hundreds of games as Sven, this has been the best / most useful build that has worked with the highest success rate.

Manta style works so great not because of it's stats, but more how you use it. It gives you the necessary attack speed that synergizes with his ultimate and the Manta illusions with the heart are actually really good. Not only are the illusions great at pushing and dealing some decent damage as well as live long, the manta style active helps you by being able to dodge specific things after BKB is done.

Also, sorry for not going into full detail of what ever single item does, their stats, and everything there is about them. I took a more practical approach rather than having walls, upon walls of text, something comical while still giving decent insight.

As for my graphical style, this is my first time using DotaBuff, and was just meant to get the point across. I wasn't going for a fancy, professional look.

I guess in the end, this isn't really a beginners guide, and utilizes some things that more experienced players could handle.
witooZ (5) | January 21, 2013 4:58pm
Honestly this build makes little to no sense, there's not a single reason to go for a Manta Style.

It gives you +26 agi and 15 attack speed and two illusions that don't profit from your ultimate for 5k gold. That's simply trash.

Otherwise, your explanations like "Get this ****" or "612 billion kills" are just worthless.

Guides are for teaching especially newer players how to play a hero they like or they want to get better with, your guide is just misleading and far from finished. (I'm not taking your graphical style into my consideration coz I feel like there's a lot of criticism already.)
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