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New player trying to learn Juggernaut

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Forum » Theory Crafting » New player trying to learn Juggernaut 4 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by EGTL » September 15, 2017 6:16pm | Report
Hi guys! I recently started to play Dota 2 and the game is amazing. Right now I'm only playing unranked since I don't want to ruin games in ranked. I have been playing a lot of Juggernaut these days and I'm enjoying the hero a lot, so I have some questions about the hero (I tried to get some answers in /r/dota2 but everyone there is memeing only).
1: Is lifesteal bad in Juggernaut? I mean, I know his ward is like superpowerfull but most of the times the enemy just destroy it and then I lose the regen (I have seen pro players micromanage the ward, but well, they are pros for a reason) I saw a Miracle- video where he builds Mask of Madness to pop it during the ultimate and I have been building the item in most of my games.

2: How good is Monkey King Bar as a replacement for Skull Basher. I mean, Juggernaut has a high AS and Skull Basher has a cooldown in the bash, while MKB hasn't (I think).

3: I have seen a lot of videos where pro players go for a Blink Dagger and use it to jump in the middle of the fight, I get the idea behind the item, but is it possible to play the hero without it?

And finally, how good is Sange and Yasha vs Manta Style


Posts: 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Tuldoka » September 27, 2017 9:28am | Report
1. Jugg's job is not to outlast people with life steal. He wants burst damage and mobility. Madness is a strong midgame item because it's cheap and gives both. You can also disassemble it later on.

2. MKB is built for enemies with evasion or radiance. Otherwise it's weak and expensive. Basher is built as a 2nd or 3rd dmg item, particularly if you'll need Abyssal to pierce spell immunity, or you've already built a vguard.

3. Blink is to snowball by picking off soft heroes early and constantly with Omni-Fury. If you're very aggressive it pays itself off with kills. If not, it gives no dmg or attack speed for farming. But it does help position in team fights and is good against blinkers.

SnY is a safe go-to item giving a little of everything he needs, though a little weak in damage. However, Manta is better if the enemy has purgeable silences/slows, disjointable stuns, or your team needs a little split pushing power.


Posts: 8
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AttackHelicopter » January 5, 2018 10:42pm | Report
EGTL wrote:

Hi guys! I recently started to play Dota 2 and the game is amazing. Right now I'm only playing unranked since I don't want to ruin games in ranked. I have been playing a lot of Juggernaut these days and I'm enjoying the hero a lot, so I have some questions about the hero (I tried to get some answers in /r/dota2 but everyone there is memeing only).
1: Is lifesteal bad in Juggernaut? I mean, I know his ward is like superpowerfull but most of the times the enemy just destroy it and then I lose the regen (I have seen pro players micromanage the ward, but well, they are pros for a reason) I saw a Miracle- video where he builds Mask of Madness to pop it during the ultimate and I have been building the item in most of my games.

2: How good is Monkey King Bar as a replacement for Skull Basher. I mean, Juggernaut has a high AS and Skull Basher has a cooldown in the bash, while MKB hasn't (I think).

3: I have seen a lot of videos where pro players go for a Blink Dagger and use it to jump in the middle of the fight, I get the idea behind the item, but is it possible to play the hero without it?

And finally, how good is Sange and Yasha vs Manta Style

1. Lifesteal is sort of a wildcard for Jugg, I do occasionally build MoM and seldomly Vlad's but the fact of the matter is there is no lifesteal item that was able to satisfy Jugg since the rework of Helm of the Dominator other than morbid mask itself, now on the Healing Ward, its actually very good if your enemy is a bit of an id who can't even hit it. MoM is good but the thing is you really can't use it if your build is focused on your abilities because it silences you however its very good if you are DPS based but I do not recommend it with manta because it makes you obvious except of course if you like to go HAM on your enemies which I say GO FOR IT YOU ARE JUGGEEEEERNAAAAAUT

2.MKB has it's potential destroyed when it loses the mini-bash ability like I'm fine for it to lose the true strike but the lose of the mini bash makes it a bad one, though it still shines especially if somebody has evasion, although if you are going for an assassin build always go for Basher because it becomes abyssal blade and use it to go whammy on the enemy specially on super mobile ones like AM or Storm Spirit.

3.Blink is actually good for Jugg it actually has a special quirk where you can blink to an enemy while omnislashing so you can transfer it to that enemy. Although the biggest drawback of having blink is you lose one slot.

SnY is practically for assassin build where you know the only where they can fight you is either running away or manning the **** up and fighting you, Manta is for disable heavy enemies and those who are effed up by illusions like Troll or Ursa BUT DO NOT ABSOLUTELY DO NOT USE IT ON HEROES LIKE SVEN if you don't have Diffusal because it won't matter Sven will eat you with his Cleave and Ult.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » January 7, 2018 7:59am | Report
EGTL wrote:

1: Is lifesteal bad in Juggernaut? I mean, I know his ward is like superpowerfull but most of the times the enemy just destroy it and then I lose the regen (I have seen pro players micromanage the ward, but well, they are pros for a reason) I saw a Miracle- video where he builds Mask of Madness to pop it during the ultimate and I have been building the item in most of my games.

MoM is a good item on him yes. You can activate it during ulti as you say.

But you mainly build MoM for attack speed not lifesteal.

Satanic is pretty mediocre on melee heroes in general, generally Jugg prefers Eye of Skadi for HP.

EGTL wrote:

2: How good is Monkey King Bar as a replacement for Skull Basher. I mean, Juggernaut has a high AS and Skull Basher has a cooldown in the bash, while MKB hasn't (I think).

The two items do very different things. None of them is a replacement for the other.

You buy basher to manfight melee carries (e.g Sven)

You buy Monkey King Bar to counter evasion. Nobody buys MKB for the damage. If you want damage get a Mjollnir.

Oh and the cooldown on basher is just there so you can't bash 5 people at once with AOE skills like Sleight of Fist or Swashbuckle. Basher is great on heroes with tons of attack speed, not the other way around.

EGTL wrote:

3: I have seen a lot of videos where pro players go for a Blink Dagger and use it to jump in the middle of the fight, I get the idea behind the item, but is it possible to play the hero without it?

Blink is defnitely NOT core. Silver Edge or Sange and Yasha are pretty good replacements. The important thing is having a means to get close to enemies.

EGTL wrote:

And finally, how good is Sange and Yasha vs Manta Style

The only advantage of manta is the ability to purge yourself to get rid of e.g silence...that's about it.
SnY is better most of the time. Jugg really benefits from chasing ability.
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