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Too afraid to try pubs?

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Forum » New Player Help » Too afraid to try pubs? 12 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SirOstrich » June 11, 2016 7:25am | Report
So I've been really getting into dota and having some fun with it, but I just can't bring myself to go into pubs. I've been doing bot matches by myself or with randoms forever, but I'm afraid that I'm going to be horrible in an actual pub (and it has happened numerous times where my team lost because of me.) I really want to get better, but I know that I'll have to do pubs eventually. Is there any way that I can make going to pubs more enjoyable?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » June 11, 2016 7:47am | Report
Ability draft is the most casual game mode where you can just have fun and not be worried about playing poorly, and alsothere are custom games like Dota IMBA, Dota 10v10, or, if you want to actually get better and play without pressure, Overthrow.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by The Frosto » June 11, 2016 8:13am | Report
It doesn't really matter that you lose games because of your own bad plays. It is good to learn from them and reflect what happened wrong and what should have happened, instead of flaming your team. But really I also lose games just because of me, and I think I'm an experienced player.

I have games were I was mid and just fed the enemy mid and lost the game, purely of me playing bad. Of course some things could have done better by my team to and I also did some good things that game but in general we all lose games just because we were bad and not the others.

I'm sure you will be able to become a good player. Even the best of the best players were once scrubs doing the silliest things that can be done in Dota.

The fact that you are on this site for instance show that you are learning Dota by learning from others, which is good. So since a lot of dota players don't do that you already have an advantage

If you don't already know a good website and youtube channel about Dota is Purgegamers.

Good luck with your real games, and don't get to offended about the things your team says what you are doing wrong.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SirOstrich » June 11, 2016 8:30am | Report
The Frosto wrote:

It doesn't really matter that you lose games because of your own bad plays. It is good to learn from them and reflect what happened wrong and what should have happened, instead of flaming your team. But really I also lose games just because of me, and I think I'm an experienced player.

I have games were I was mid and just fed the enemy mid and lost the game, purely of me playing bad. Of course some things could have done better by my team to and I also did some good things that game but in general we all lose games just because we were bad and not the others.

I'm sure you will be able to become a good player. Even the best of the best players were once scrubs doing the silliest things that can be done in Dota.

The fact that you are on this site for instance show that you are learning Dota by learning from others, which is good. So since a lot of dota players don't do that you already have an advantage

If you don't already know a good website and youtube channel about Dota is Purgegamers.

Good luck with your real games, and don't get to offended about the things your team says what you are doing wrong.

That's actually really good advice. Thanks man! :^)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by plaq » June 11, 2016 8:53am | Report
Hey man... I had the same "problem" when I started this game... (just few months ago)
for you first games don't pick hard carry or mid (if you are forced to go mid, take it as challenge) - those roles are the most impactful in low mmr and because lots of carries are bad heroes without items, you may struggle on them.
Choose some hero that you are ok with(nothing high skill capped), that doesn't need tons of farm (one or two items and you are ok) to accomplish something and cherry on top of cake would be some escape mechanism. I would suggest you two heroes that I started with...

I would recommend you to play Lich - he's pretty noob-proof (I'm having blast with him nowadays, he is just a great hero) because he has high movememt speed and frost armor, nice nuke and you don't have to worry about mana, also sacrifice gives you exp boost so you will not be underleveled even if you decide to play very safe (I usually have about 700xpm, you only need tranquill boots on lich (urn of shadows and glimmer cape are nice addictions, aghs is luxury). You will be beneficial to your team by buying wards, dust and courier so you should not be blamed because you benefit to your team (and if so, they are just frustrated themselves).

Another hero that is quite nice for begginers and great in low level pubs is necrophos (played as greedy support). Just skill aura on lvl1, make sure enemies are affected by it, then put value point into sadist and then max death pulse (with ulti on 6). In fights, use pulse to dmg enemies and heal allies, scythe on some1 with lower hp. Build mek, arcane boots (so you are beneficial for your team), if you get rich then upgrade to greaves and maybe force staff/glimmer to help you when someone tries to kill you and plant some wards...

First games will be rough since people will pick heroes that bots don't pick so you will have to learn what to do against them, but don't lose hope... I think high difficulty bots are better than majority of normal skill players!

so GL HF, post your results :)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SirOstrich » June 11, 2016 10:23am | Report
I'm going to try my best to do pubs again, but first, I'm in low prio (for getting reported because of noobiness) and the good majority of people I also see in low prio are better than me. Let's see how long it takes me to win that 1 match I need to get out.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by The Frosto » June 11, 2016 10:48am | Report
But that people in lp are good is nothing new. Since the change that you have to win lp games are there a lot of tryhards in lp. People used to do extra stupid in lp games because it was fun, like me, but now people tryhard to get out of lp.

And at the start you will be bad and play against bad people but when you improve you will be better but you will still be playing against bad people for a short time so you will be better and you can own really hard.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SirOstrich » June 11, 2016 11:19am | Report
UPDATE: Made it out of low prio just recently. I'm ready to play some pubs :^)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » June 11, 2016 11:48am | Report
There was a period where I didn't play too much dota just because I was scared I'll under-perform and lose.

Even if it sounds silly, I just played and lost till I didn't care anymore. Then I just kept playing, improving and enjoying the game without worrying or thinking too much about it. :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SirOstrich » June 22, 2016 1:48pm | Report
UPDATE: Sorry for not being consistent I've had real life priorities :^(

I've been playing pubs more often than I used to, and I'm getting more used to the idea of losing, so so far I'm making progress :^). Thank you all for the help you gave me!


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