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Whos your favorite hero and why?

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Forum » General Discussion » Whos your favorite hero and why? 19 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyle The Great » July 21, 2014 2:58am | Report
Mine is Troll Warlord because he can take on pretty much any hero out there. Troll Warlord with a Butterfly has a maximum miss chance of 90%, so most right-clickers will have a hard time against him. Black King Bar is a core item so spell-spammers are basically useless.

Troll Warlord is also a good farmer and can out carry other carrys. Just ONE stun from him and youre good as dead. He can also kill roshan early, he just needs Helm of the Dominator and power threads and if posible a DD, then roshan is yours!

Heres an almost unknown tip on Troll Warlord

He can still bash when in RANGE. Just throw an axe then quickly change to melee then pray, pray, and pray soe more that it will bash.

Kyle The Great

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » July 22, 2014 7:43am | Report

He can still bash when in RANGE. Just throw an axe then quickly change to melee then pray, pray, and pray soe more that it will bash.

This got fixed.

Monkey King Bar also just wrecks troll. My favorite hero... not really sure, guess it'll have to be Axe. since he's the first on my most successful list.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » July 22, 2014 8:01am | Report
Didn't we already have this thread?

Oh well! 8{3
Xyrus wrote:

Ancient Apparition. There's nothing more satisfying than landing a well aimed, long-range Ice Blast, especially when it lands at the start of a Teamfight <}3 Then there's those times when a Riki is limping back to base, invisibly on 100 HP...but never makes it 8{D and then there's Chilling Touch, which gives an unbelievable amount of Killing POWA at lvl1! 8{3

...I could go on, but I'm tired now ._.

Wulfstan, you have a short memory. 8{3
Wulfstan wrote:

This thread is quite PUNny (just going with the trend, don't judge here).

Now, back to the thread : I am pretty torn apart, I kinda love to play any hero, but by far, I enjoy those who challenge you. I recently started playing a lot of Earth Spirit (I have liking for underdogs), and I always enjoyed playing Visage, just because his voice acting is awesome, and he is quite useful throughout the entire game, even if some would disagree (same with Earth Spirit).

All of this contradicts my most succesful heroes since those are: Axe ( Mekansm Axe OP), Omniknight (come to think of it, Omniknight is quite fun to play too.) and Earth Spirit (surprising, never actually thought I could get so good with it).


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » July 22, 2014 8:22am | Report
Xyrus wrote:

Didn't we already have this thread?

Oh well! 8{3

Wulfstan, you have a short memory. 8{3

You remembered me Xyrus <3

Also, to reply to the the OP, Crystal Maiden is my favourite. ez kills. Got an dominating streak a minute ago before 10 mins, caused the enemy team to rage quit hahah!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » July 22, 2014 8:26am | Report
Aw man, I have so many, but if I want to troll, then Viper is usually my go-to, but if I'm actually serious, then either Mirana, or Enigma. Can't believe how much fun it is when you hide in the fog and land a max range arrow. So satisfying.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fumbles16x » July 22, 2014 8:42am | Report
Viper used to be my favorite, but lately I've been loving Doom, Enigma, and Beastmaster. I just started playing these three this summer, and I'm actually undefeated between the three of them so far.

Tinker and Nature's Prophet have also made it into my top heroes. I just really like the busy playstyle that they have, and the ability to be anywhere at a moment's notice.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ashwinthegrim » July 22, 2014 8:42am | Report
If I want to play serious, and need a mid/safe lane core, Viper..

If I want to goof around in mid, Pudge/ Sniper

If I want to play serious, and need a hard carry, Faceless Void

If I want to goof around in a side lane, Clinkz

Of the lot, my favorite has to be Viper.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » July 22, 2014 8:47am | Report
Yay! Viper is so amazing against people who don't know how to counter him. Even then, he's such a tank...


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » July 22, 2014 8:53am | Report
Wulfstan, you have a short memory. 8{3

You can have more than one favorite. And I gave explanations to each one.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fumbles16x » July 22, 2014 9:10am | Report
Wulfstan wrote:

You can have more than one favorite. And I gave explanations to each one.

This. Favorite heroes can change. Mine do all the time, honestly. I'll get in a mood where I feel like playing nothing but hard carries for a few days, and I'll consider Anti-Mage my favorite. Other times I'll prefer jungling, so Enigma will be my favorite while I have that preference.

It's hard to pin down one single favorite hero.


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