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Forum » General Discussion » Introduce Yourself! 389 posts - page 5 of 39

Poll Question:

Where are you from?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Necron Overlord » February 5, 2013 2:08am | Report
Hey guys, i'm from Indonesia (somewhere near Singapore). Im a gamer its nice to meet you all !

Necron Overlord

Posts: 5
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AgentDeath » February 10, 2013 5:29pm | Report
Heya folks! My ingame name is USAF|Reaper, started playing about 2 weeks ago and I'm hooked!I'm From New York,nice to meet you all :)


Posts: 2
Steam: USAF|Reaper
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kruggles » February 11, 2013 9:17am | Report
Hey. Name's Kruggles. I played LoL for a bit, but found that the game really didn't like my computer (and the system did not favor new players at all), and just recently got into DOTA 2. I joined this more so I could try and learn about the game and how to improve. My Steam name is Kruggles as well if you want to look me up. I also play TF2 (Pyro forever!).
Fire: If it isn't solving all your problems, then you simply aren't using it enough.


Posts: 27
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Vash » February 14, 2013 1:49am | Report
Hey Kruggles! As you have probably figured, DotA is an amazing and complex game, and at times will challenge you quite a bit. I hope you enjoy the experience and bring any questions you have to the DOTAFire community. Welcome!

Edit: Same goes for the guys I didn't officially address. Welcome to you all!
"I'm like a hunter of peace. One who chases the elusive mayfly of love... or something like that." - Vash the Stampede

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SkyStormSpectre » February 14, 2013 8:30am | Report
Hi there. New to the forum. I've been playing Dota for some time now. Dota 2 is extremely engaging to me so I play it a lot. Yeah. One of the low 3% of South Africans and other Africans on here.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Pyrokinesis » February 17, 2013 12:11pm | Report
Just noticed I didn't introduce myself, heh.

My name is Guy, played LoL for a couple of years, then Smite for a really short while, played DotA 2 ever since I got the key, and lurked the forum for a while now, mostly for guides.

Hope I enjoy my stay, and can't wait to make friends on the European servers, playing with friends is always ten times the fun!


Posts: 8
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yoda » February 17, 2013 1:04pm | Report
well you can call me barney (changing my username soon). I'm one of the very few arab dota 2 players i guess (lebanese) 15 btw. i have been playing dota 2 for an average amount of time, i think i ve had about 200 matches. i ve gained reasonable knowledge of the game, i think. i still play in low brackets tho D= but trying to get out ASAP. i ve had a very hard beginning, where i got very misleaded and started feeding a lot (oh dem reports) lol even when i roflstomp my enemies i still used to get reported but i think i got the hang of it now. anw i play up to 5 days a week, two three matches each but sometimes i get in my studies and stop for over a week.
I would like to thank DOTAFIRE for teaching a lot about the game :DD
"Success is like being pregnant, everybody congratulates you, but nobody knows how many times you were f**ked."


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by CLOWNJESTER » February 19, 2013 1:11am | Report
Hey guys I am CLOWNJESTER and I am 11 years old. I voted for Australia but i am Filipino. I play the role of carries. I am in a team called WarLords. My name may change but just type WarLords. My favourite carry is Traxex (Drow Ranger). Play fair and have fun.


Posts: 4
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by sleepless » February 26, 2013 2:58am | Report
Heya, From Aus/Malaysia here, been an avid Dota player for a few years now. Really like dotaFire as a website and community, glad to be apart of it.


Posts: 6
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » February 26, 2013 3:06am | Report
Welcome to everyone! <3 Enjoy your stay. :)
Message me if you'd like to join our official Discord server!

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