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I lost my passion/enthusiasm. I need help!

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Forum » General Discussion » I lost my passion/enthusiasm. I need help! 15 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by cLGhost » October 29, 2015 2:45pm | Report
Hello everyone. My name is Alex, and I am 18 years old. I've been playing Dota for almost 3 years now and since I was 16 I wanted to become a pro player. When I first discovered the game, I didn't even know you could make a career out of it, and I played just for fun, but more as an obsession. I was playing before school, at school and after school every single day. I used to play 11-15 hours/day non-stop and sometimes I even forgot to eat. It was so cool, because I was improving so much and I was enjoying the game so so after I realized I want to become a pro player I trained even more and even better. I treated every game seriously and never gave up until my ancient hit 0 HP... but somewhere along the line something in my heart changed. I think I lost my enthusiasm...and I don't know why. Like..if before I couldn't wait anymore until I started to play in any day, now I can't wait until I stop playing in every day..I'm like: "ugh, gotta play 4 games today..**** it*. AND I HATE MYSELF. Why am I like this? What happened? And most can I recover my former self? Sure, maybe playing 11-15 hours/day isn't beneficial to my health, but I should play..idk more than now and not for obligation, but for fun. So... how do I regain my passion? How do I reignite the fire I call enthusiasm? I'm willing to try anything and listen to any advice even if it says to take a break for 1 month or something.

P.S: I'm not interested in any way in answers like: "You're no good, give up dota and do something useful with your life" get what I mean. If you want to post an answer like that, don't even bother, and to the people that actually want to help...well really thanks. It means a lot :).


Posts: 8
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KrDotoBestDoto » October 29, 2015 2:57pm | Report
Looks like you're just on a low. Take a break from dota and relax for a bit. Just do some other things like sports or study. Eventually the motivation will be back and if not dota just wasn't meant for you.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by cLGhost » October 29, 2015 3:36pm | Report

Looks like you're just on a low. Take a break from dota and relax for a bit. Just do some other things like sports or study. Eventually the motivation will be back and if not dota just wasn't meant for you.

Ok thanks :). I'll try to take a break for 1 week or so and just do anything not related to dota.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by masaaki14 » October 29, 2015 6:14pm | Report
Right now I'm in a similar situation, I kinda got tired of dota everyday(also, tilting and can't improve mmr

I took a break and started Lol, since my brother was playing that and I could play with him. Maybe you should try another game that your friends also play?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by RmM_oo » October 30, 2015 7:13am | Report
I've been through this already. Allow yourself a break is the most rational thing to do, and probably the best also. In fact, when you put dota off your thoughts, eventually you will be cought thinking about it, and when you get back, you will have a new perspective of the game.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Krwiozerca » October 30, 2015 8:58am | Report
I have something similar, but in my case I had to focus more on my life. Now I play rarely, and I figured I feel better, I have more time for... you know, life.

In your situation - what do you think caused the whole thing? Was it annoying/flaming teammates? Maybe you felt like you stopped improving? Maybe you reached a point, when your enemies are much harder to play against and you feel like your goal to be pro will be harder to achieve than you imagined.
Ask yourself some questions, try to find an answer and from this point it should be easier to settle onto solutions.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » October 30, 2015 9:14am | Report
Whenever I want to feel like playing and I want to feel the excitement and hype I go watch some memorable videos on YouTube, like the old TIs, big plays, montages, all that flashy exciting stuff that creates hype and enthusiasm, works for me.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Atlas » October 30, 2015 11:19am | Report
Just take a break from Dota man, in the end it's just a game. It's meant to be satisfying to play. I've just started playing again after a 3 week hiatus, and yeah, you get a tiny bit rusty if you stop playing for weeks at a time, but it's meant for your enjoyment. Usually a couple week break of Dota will actually make it more fun when you start playing again.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by cLGhost » October 30, 2015 11:34am | Report
Hades4u wrote:

Whenever I want to feel like playing and I want to feel the excitement and hype I go watch some memorable videos on YouTube, like the old TIs, big plays, montages, all that flashy exciting stuff that creates hype and enthusiasm, works for me.

Don't give up!

I tried this too, but it didn't work out so well for me unless I haven't played in a long time, so I guess I'll take a break for about 1-4 weeks completely (not even videos or pictures or stuff) and then come back stronger and better than ever and yea, I won't give up.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by cLGhost » October 30, 2015 11:36am | Report
Krwiozerca wrote:

I have something similar, but in my case I had to focus more on my life. Now I play rarely, and I figured I feel better, I have more time for... you know, life.

In your situation - what do you think caused the whole thing? Was it annoying/flaming teammates? Maybe you felt like you stopped improving? Maybe you reached a point, when your enemies are much harder to play against and you feel like your goal to be pro will be harder to achieve than you imagined.
Ask yourself some questions, try to find an answer and from this point it should be easier to settle onto solutions.

I'm pretty sure it's the fact that I felt like I stopped improving, because I'm not the kind of person that backs off in face of a challenge (meaning harder enemies). I actually smile when I play against better people, and flaming teammates are easy to deal with. I just mute them, I never flame anyone else except me in a pub environment because it's pointless to argue. I'll take a break for about 1-4 weeks and see how things evolve from there.


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