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Highest Impact Heroes

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Forum » General Discussion » Highest Impact Heroes 16 posts - page 2 of 2

Poll Question:

What is the highest impact hero in Dota 2, if played exceptionally well?
Earth Spirit
Sand King(even though he is the easiest hero on the list)
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by DzikaPanda » July 26, 2014 9:08am | Report
Puck, Clockwerk or Kunkka.

Idk how can you say that Invoker or Meepo are highest impact heroes, when all Invoker does is (QW) EMP combo that is easily escapable and (QE) single target damage that any other hero can also do.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyle The Great » July 26, 2014 9:25am | Report
Meepo and Earth Spirit, since both of them have good crowd control :3

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » July 26, 2014 10:04am | Report

Can't say much about Puck as I have never played him, but I would disagree on Clockwerk. Though dominating early game is piece of cake when you go mid, this advantage may sooner or later disappear as he doesn't scale into late-game unless ridiculously fed, and falls off even earlier if he hasn't got that much kills, so he is much like Night Stalker or Pudge is reliant on domination. And no matter, how much you dominate, this impact can be nullified by your team - I had a game where my entire team fed kills to enemy quicker than I could earn them myself(that Hookshot's cd is long as hell on lvl 1).

DzikaPanda wrote:

Also, Brewmaster, Centaur Warrunner , Abaddon, Wraith King are stronk every(almost) given moment too, so they are viable pubstompers and just pub-comfortable heroes.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by BCP on PCP » July 31, 2014 3:04pm | Report
It depends on a large number of factors. In solo-queue low level games, I would almost say none of the above. There will be only cores picked, and if someone does pick a support, they won't be very good at warding, upgrading the courier, or supporting in general.

I would lean towards heroes that can save your allies bacon, as they will need saving far too often. As an example, I picked a hard support Warlock in one game, and was babysitting an auto attacking Bloodseeker with a death wish. He basically charged the opposing dual lane every time they showed up, but he managed to never die thanks to shadow word healing him just enough several times. This obtained him a quick lvl and gold advantage great enough to make up for his terrible play and early item choices, and we stomped. He didn't "carry," but he didn't have a negative impact, which is much better than normal.

Almost always pick a hero that CAN hard support, keeping in mind you probably will be stuck as a hard support. If you see teammates doing things that boil your blood, don't yell at them. You can point it out in a very non-offensive way, but think it through. Things like, "Try to only get the last hit on the creeps, so we are closer to our tower." 4/5's of the time, they'll listen because they know they are pretty new to the game.

In the same vein of thought, ALWAYS complement your team when things go right, and try to keep their hopes high when they go wrong. This encourages cooperation, which is the highest impact element in any solo game at a low level. If you don't have a microphone, get one. A cheap desktop mic is like, $10 on amazon, and will win you any number of games.

Now, you'll find yourself thinking, "I'm saving these morons again and again, only to have them miss last hits constantly, what's the point?" Always remember, the other team is ALSO terrible at farming, and probably don't have anyone giving up their farm for higher priority heroes.

For proof of the theory that saving allies is probably the highest impact thing you can do in lower level games, check out dotabuff win rates for individual heroes. Almost all of the top heroes can burst heal their allies and themselves. Meanwhile, commonly thought of pub stomp heroes don't fair nearly as well.

Now, all that said, if you can manage to practice and learn a hero like Earth Spirit or Meepo, you can 100% win a game basically by yourself. Those two heroes are great ways to climb the solo MMR ladder. Earth Spirit combines early game power with the ability to save allies with geomagnetic grip. Meepo has high early game kill potential thanks to Earthbind and Poof, and quickly starts to dominate all the farm on the map with relatively few items. You will always outlevel everyone as well. Hell, a great Meepo can fall behind early and still easily come back thanks to his powerful leveling and split pushing ability.

One other thing to keep in mind about low level games, space is always created. People are always pushing or defending, and they certainly aren't warding your jungle. If you pick a hard, HARD carry that can start farming a jungle before you lose your tier two towers most of the time, you'll have all the space and safety you need to power farm some huge items way faster than anyone else in the game.

One last thing. In low level games, your opponents usually care WAY more about harassing in lane than last hitting, usually over committing very frequently. Picking a strong laning hero with a good early stun should net you some easy kills early against these sorts of laners.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 31, 2014 3:10pm | Report
Tinker, no one? I've carried games with that hero all by myself, he can have a great impact if he has a good start and he starts going all over the map spreading chaos.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cataclysm2146 » August 1, 2014 4:34am | Report
Treant Protector, Tinker, and Nature's Prophet
It's really hard to win against them without a massive farm and xp advantage(At the point where you can kill them/their towers in a few seconds)


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