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Hero Discussion: Invoker

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » May 3, 2015 2:38pm | Report
Hello friends!

I haven't done one of these in a while, and this is Invoker, so this time it's going to be a bit different.

Since there are so many possibilities, I won't limit your builds or anything, but try to keep unnecessary info out.
Note to all: I almost exclusively play Quas- Wex, I don't really like playing Quas- Exort. I know it's good, but it kinda defeats the point of the hero, IMO.


Generally I put 2 or 3 points into Quas (ofc skill invoke lvl 2), then proceed to max Wex. I take a point in Exort whenever I feel Deafening Blast would be useful. After maxing Wex, I get Quas to level 4, then proceed to max Exort, for the double Forge Spirits.

There are a ton of items I buy on invoker, most common build when I'm ahead is:

Phase Boots >> Orchid Malevolence >> Blink Dagger >> ( Black King Bar) >> ( Aghanim's Scepter) >> Scythe of Vyse >> ( Aghanim's Scepter) >> Refresher Orb


Phase Boots >> Drum of Endurance >> Force Staff >> (Eul's, Hex, Skadi, etc.)

Let the discussion begin!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KrDotoBestDoto » May 3, 2015 2:57pm | Report
I play Invoker similar to you. Mainly wex heavy for the control, but sometimes I go Exort if I feel my team is lacking in damage, but has enough control.

If the early game is good go Orchid Blink and gank a lot otherwise Drums Force to push and run.
Sometimes I also go Drums even when the early game is good if the enemy team has strong nukes and I need the extra HP.

On Exort I go either Midas Necro or Euls Blink depending on what the gameplan is.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » May 3, 2015 3:01pm | Report

Not sure what to build on Exort invokers though.

And QW Invoker is not meant to push. :P

What's your favourite combo?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Karazar » May 3, 2015 4:54pm | Report
I play whatever I feel best fits the game... in theory at least. I cant figure out Quas- Exort.
I usually do one of the following:(these have not been updated for 6.84, so they will change soon)

qrqwqwqwwwwewrr into maxing whatever I need more. Items are phase-urn-sheep-blink-agh, with BoT in there fairly early. last items are completely situational. (BKB, Refresher, Ghost scepter, Necronomicon...)

ereqeweqeqeqerrwrwwwwwqqq. Items are phase-eul-situational(sheep, blink, aghs, ghost, BKB, etc... Usually blink)

ereweqeqeqeqerrwrwwwwwqqq. Basically the above build, but earlier wex point for alacrity trading.

I left out stuff like I.E. force vs clock; as well as what I change if I am behind (I don't really change the builds if I'm ahead)

Ive never even tried orchid. I'll have to try it sometime soon. Maybe see if it would be useful for learning Quas- Exort?
I'm bad. Very bad.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SatomiCappucino » May 3, 2015 5:48pm | Report
I don't often play Invoker, but when I do, I play Quas- Wex(sounded like a meme lol).
I don't play Quas- Exort because of the fact that you need tons of farm and levels. With Quas- Wex you have good crowd control, mana burn :O and a ganking ability. Yes the damage is less compared to the Quas- Exort, but it is still enough for the early-mid game. Also! Quas- Wex allows you to wombo-combo early on(think of Tornado+ghost ship :O?).
As of the item build. I usually go:
Phase Boots>> Drum of Endurance>> Force Staff/ Eul's Scepter of Divinity>> Scythe of Vyse etc.(picking up Black King Bar and Blink Dagger when I need them)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » May 3, 2015 10:44pm | Report
Karazar wrote:

Ive never even tried orchid. I'll have to try it sometime soon. Maybe see if it would be useful for learning Quas- Exort?

Orchid is usually used for the QW build, because it synergizes well with your early Ghost Walk, so you can gank lone heroes.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Blubbles » May 4, 2015 2:50am | Report
I go Quas Exort. Usual build is early points in Quas for the HP regen, and a few in Exort for damage. Then I max Exort for the double spirits. Normally go pretty heavy wight he Cold Snap / Forge Spirits combo, even though its been nerfed. Usual build is something like:

Phase Boots >> Drum of Endurance / Force Staff >> Hand of Midas >> ( Eul's Scepter of Divinity) >>(6.84) Octarine Core / Scythe of Vyse >> Aghanim's Scepter / Refresher Orb
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KrDotoBestDoto » May 4, 2015 6:21am | Report
TheSofa wrote:


Not sure what to build on Exort invokers though.

And QW Invoker is not meant to push. :P

What's your favourite combo?

The build is not made for pushing, but you can still push very hard and easily disengage if the enemy team jumps on you.
If you have a decent team you can often also use your combo to counterinitiate and take some kills.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » May 4, 2015 2:05pm | Report
Blubbles wrote:

I go Quas Exort. Usual build is early points in Quas for the HP regen, and a few in Exort for damage. Then I max Exort for the double spirits. Normally go pretty heavy wight he Cold Snap / Forge Spirits combo, even though its been nerfed. Usual build is something like:

Phase Boots >> Drum of Endurance / Force Staff >> Hand of Midas >> ( Eul's Scepter of Divinity) >>(6.84) Octarine Core / Scythe of Vyse >> Aghanim's Scepter / Refresher Orb


I'll try that build some time... so you go the 4-1-4-1 build?

Why Midas AFTER force? I though early midas was better than late midas?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fumbles16x » May 4, 2015 6:23pm | Report
I almost exclusively play Quas Wex. The amount of control and teamfight one hero can contribute is crazy, and in addition to that he's a really good solo ganker, especially with orchid.

Usual items are:
Phase Boots -> Orchid Malevolence -> Eul's Scepter of Divinity -> Aghanim's Scepter -> Refresher Orb -> Scythe of Vyse

Occasionally I'll get the Scythe before scepter/refresher, but that's kind of my go to build. Also I don't always pick up a Eul's, it's just so good as another way to disable though.


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