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Do things ever change?

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Forum » General Discussion » Do things ever change? 15 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by L0bstz0r » January 24, 2014 4:45am | Report
once you are past the first 10-15 levels it usually starts to normalize.... well except for the "language" issues >.>


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » January 24, 2014 4:47am | Report
Manofchalk wrote:

Solo matchmaking in general isn't much fun, DOTA is very much a social game in my opinion.

This ^

It's better to look for like-minded people to play with, than play alone.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ghraf » January 24, 2014 5:19am | Report
Manofchalk wrote:

Loot is entirely random, though it seems that you get rares when you level up. You can go on long streaks without getting anything notable, luck of the draw.

Pubstomp heroes typically have quite simple counters.
Sniper and Drow Ranger both melt up close, so any hero that can close distance and deliver some burst damage ( Spirit Breaker, Tusk, Queen of Pain, anyone with a blink dagger) are good counters to them. Both will build a Shadow Blade due to their lack of natural escapes, so dust is needed to gank them unless its early game.
Bloodseeker, the game is configured to get him fed in a way. Go into your settings, turn off auto-attack. That way when your ruptured, your hero wont keep running off to try and get creeps or enemy heroes. Other than that, if he ruptures you and tries to solo kill,stop and just TP away as he cant stop it.
Riki is annoying no matter how skilled you are. Try not to be alone, always have sentries on the supports in preparation of teamfights (often a riki will wander in among your team waiting for the fight to start, easy kill) and have at least two people carrying Dust. If you get Smoke Screen'd, don't run, just turn and face him. When the smoke clears you can stun/slow and escape or even kill if your powerful enough. Running from Riki will only let him kill you faster.

I usually play Bounty Hunter or Spirit Breaker, so the issue with people playing pubstomp carries really isn't such a big deal, but on the other hand, it is, because my team is almost guaranteed to feed them. I'm typically the only person on my team with a positive k/d and the only person that can successfully face off 1v1 against anyone on the other team and win every time, except when they have a ridiculously fed Storm Spirit that is also more than likely smurfing, so the odds are pretty tilted with that.

I have a decent grasp on how the game works in general, but I can't say the same for people I get grouped with. Entire team picking carries, supports never building support or getting wards, bruisers/initiators charging into the whole enemy team constantly and dying repeatedly for no reason, etc. I just want a match where I know that I can at least count on teammates to do their roles or not feed.

So, I guess I'll have to look for a clan then.


Posts: 18
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Manofchalk » January 24, 2014 6:52am | Report
An Orchid Malevolence wrecks a Storm Spirit, but yes, if in your level of matchmaking one is dominating its likely to be a smurf. Storm is a pretty high skill cap hero.

If you can recognize where your team or individual players and their builds are going wrong, then you have some clue as to what your doing and should rise in MMR eventually. Just got to slog through it.
"Windranger" is not how you spell Windrunner.


Posts: 52
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ghraf » January 24, 2014 7:17am | Report
Manofchalk wrote:

An Orchid Malevolence wrecks a Storm Spirit, but yes, if in your level of matchmaking one is dominating its likely to be a smurf. Storm is a pretty high skill cap hero.

If you can recognize where your team or individual players and their builds are going wrong, then you have some clue as to what your doing and should rise in MMR eventually. Just got to slog through it.

I built that on Bounty Hunter and was still getting destroyed by one since he immediately picked up BKB due to his massive feeding gold, then did his annoying blinking **** so I couldn't touch him. But oh well.

Hopefully it will changed soon, still getting matched with tons of leavers and feeders. I just want a good match where neither team is completely lopsided.

I'm currently 5 losses to 1 win, even though it's more than that because for whatever reason it didn't keep track of my first 4 or 5 matches. More losses, I mean.


Posts: 18

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