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Can you raise mmr with Techis?

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Forum » General Discussion » Can you raise mmr with Techis? 10 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by undeadsasuke34 » March 3, 2017 8:57am | Report
My question is, can you raise MMR as Techis? I mean, not in +5k, in 2,3,4k. Is that possible? Has the hero the potential to do that?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » March 3, 2017 9:03am | Report
Yeah, especially in lower rankings since people don't know how to properly counter him. He's the kind of hero that can turn the tides or even create space and prolong the game enough for his team to get enough farm.

There have been various matches that Techies turned 30 - 45 minutes matches into over 60 and sometimes even over 120 minutes matches, just by endlessly defending the base with his mines; he has great potential, you just gotta know how to play him while also predicting the enemy's movement and mindset.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sinured » March 3, 2017 9:52am | Report
Sure you can, but the question is whether you get massivly reported or not. There's no sense in playing techies in ranked if you get LP every 5 games


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ChiChi » March 3, 2017 10:04am | Report
The fact that some players report others just for picking Techies really leaves me wondering if there is still hope for humanity or not XD

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » March 4, 2017 3:44am | Report
There's no reason why not...outside the ones people outlined above. I would say though, that they're not always an appropriate pick, and you should have multiple options available for the situation in hand.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by zevoice1991 » March 4, 2017 10:56am | Report
At 2-3k mmr u can boost at any hero. Its only about your skill and exp on that hero.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cocopower » March 5, 2017 11:04am | Report
Dear fellow dota firian
Techies is honestly a great hero never mind what everyone else says. In the current meta today it's all about getting that early game advantage and this is directly what the hero does. And even if u do do fail at this early game, with a few well placed mines u can easily turn a game around. Techies is also one of the best heroes for comebacks he can stall games for over an hour just so ur team can catch up farm and experience wise to turn the game around and win the game.
Now there are a few keys to winning with techies and playing him well. One of the first things is always have a laning buddy in the offlane, even though he is one of the best laning heroes in the game laning alone can be a major challenge. Second is always tp out to lane at the beginning of a game to help u get that extra minute or so of extra time to mine key and crucial areas to help u control the lane as well as secure some kills. Third early game make sure to stay hidden in trees but also use ur large range to harrass the opponents early game to allow ur partner to get crucial last hits. 4th never stop mining early game as this can lose u the lane if done wrong. 5th never be afraid to use blast off as it has a lot of dmg and can secure kills and get u gold. And finally remember playing techies is like a game of chess so always think ahead to secure crucial kills and areas around the map.
-from coach coco ps. If u have any questions message me on the discord server.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyphoid returns » March 5, 2017 11:31pm | Report
Sando wrote:

There's no reason why not...outside the ones people outlined above. I would say though, that they're not always an appropriate pick, and you should have multiple options available for the situation in hand.

You should always realise that grinding only one hero to the upper brackets of matchmaking is really not feasible unless you are in the 99.9 percentile with that specific hero. Taking out these exceptions lets just contend with this statement: "we can use any hero to gain MMR provided we are skilled with them more than what the average player level at our current skill level can handle"

This typically covers the prodigy scenario that many people tend to focus on or believe to conform because no one wants to be average.

Now lets come back to reality and ask how a techies pick can always let you win if you are going against heavy teamfight magic immunity draft that ends your teamfight 4v5 and takes objectives. In that case, you can do anything.

Thats right. The secret to playing techies, as is with any other hero, is to fit him properly in a draft and generate positive synergies to capitalise on the gameplay. You do that- be a team player and tailor your game play instead of going perma aghs first or perma bloodstone first strat and i can assure you that you will win more than you lose
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ChiChi » March 6, 2017 2:50am | Report
The "how can I said muh MMR" question is a pretty old and recurrent one. The answer is more deceptively simple that you can wish for: get better at the game. Sounds too vague? Well, it is!

If you're 1k, you can get better by playing Phantom Assassin and auto-destroying everyone because everyone sucks, until you get a bit higher up to 2k and it stops working, so you will have to continue improving to get higher and higher - and maybe have to ditch the playstyle/mentality/etc that brought you there in favour of something better. And so forth until the highest MMR existing (which is 9,3k right now).

The key elements that you can control are always the same: execution/knowledge/strategy/teamplay.

If you dominate these, with whatever hero you play, you will get better at the game, thus win more games, thus gain more MMR. For each of them there are different levels and different issues at stake, that change in the different MMR brackets.

Grinding with just the one hero follows the same rules: as long as you are getting better as a player with that one hero and up to a certain point in the MMR bracket ladder, you can spam it to get increasingly better.

However, as you reach the point that one decisive factor in games is also the draft (that would go into the "strategy" item), regardless of how good you are with that hero (execution) or how much you know about the game (knowledge) and willing to work with others (teamplay), spamming will not help you anymore.

According to my experience and what I hear from the friends of Dota Fire, that point usually happens around 3k, 3,5k, depending on where you play. Just some days ago I played a non-ranked where some funny guy decided to insta pick Techies mid claiming it was "his best hero", and he (and our entire team) got destroyed by a Sniper mid. We were all pretty chill about it and no one complained, but you get the gist: maybe that guy was even really good with Techies indeed, who knows (and let's not analyse him going mid XD), problem is he was not good enough to be able to carry the hero over being directly countered.

Sometimes you can execute and do such good decisions that you outplay the draft and the hero picking/spamming doesn't matter, sometimes you can't. There are other factors that go deeper into what is allegedly more successful as you clim the MMR ladder (for instance everyone claims if you smurf you need to pick cores, because it's harder to climb playing supports, etc), but Techies is just like every other hero in this regard, he has no special characteristic that excuses him from this general rules. He's also still quite versatile in his role/map positioning, and he's a "normal strong" hero at the moment, not specially week.

So go ahead on your climb with him and good luck, avoid being reported if possible by being talkative and collaborative and all will be good :)

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by GnarBear » April 26, 2017 2:24pm | Report
Techies is actually really good since 7.0. He got slightly nerfed from 7.05, but he still is strong. Everyone else has already addressed all the major points, so I'll say something different. IDK if you have heard of the youtuber Cayinater, he is a twitch player who plays ALOT of techies. Watch what he does, it helped me improve my game significantly.


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