Starting items:
Tango regenerates health so
Mad Servant can survive the lane.
Healing Salve restores health also.
Clarity regenerates mana so
Mad Servant can keep using spells at the beginning of the game
Iron Branch provides cheap attributes and builds into Magic Wand or Mekansm.
Observer Ward gives vision that may spot incoming enemy ganks.
Animal Courier ferries items to teammates.
Early game:
Magic Stick sustains
Mad Servant with burst health and mana restoration so he can survive or use more abilities.
Boots of Speedgrants movement speed bonus so
Mad Servant can get into position to use his skills to secure kills or save allies in time.
Town Portal Scroll gets
Mad Servant to the right place to gank or counter-gank/.
Mid game:
Magic Wand also restores health and mana in burst, as well as giving some attributes.
Arcane Boots replenishes
Mad Servant's and allies' mana so they can stay on the map.
Blink Dagger helps your positioning greatly and helps to pull off a good
Cyclopean City.
Force Staff is useful on
Mad Servant for a number of reasons. If you are having trouble farming a
Blink Dagger, it can be a good alternative but getting both is also very good. The increased mana pool helps greatly with his ability to cast spells, and the item's active ability serves as a useful escape mechanism on a frail hero without escape abilities. The active can also be used on pesky enemy heroes who manage to avoid your AoE spells, giving them the literal push they need to step into the danger you have created.
Late game:
Black King Bar grants spell immunity so the enemies cannot easily interrupt
Mad Servant during the rather long cast animation for
Cyclopean City, though some abilities can pierce spell immunity so also has to consider
Linken's Sphere as a supplement or an alternative.
Guardian Greaves gives passive armor and health regeneration for the team. The active is a nice heal and a useful debuff.
Refresher Orb allows
Alhazred to use
Cyclopean City twice, increasing the duration enemy targets are disabled and making it easier for allies to turn the tides of a teamfight.
Situational items:
Veil of Discord provides good stats and increased damage output if your team is struggling in that department.
Meteor Hammer gives
Alhazred practically everything he could want. Health, mana, regen, and a really good follow-up to both
Gaping Maw and
Cyclopean City
Eul's Scepter of Divinity gives a lot of mana regeneration, some movement speed and intelligence, eliminating your mobility and any mana issues almost entirely. It makes landing
Gaping Maw a breeze by disabling an opponent for almost exactly the delay duration of the skill.
Rod of Atos is a relatively cheap item that gives
Mad Servant a lot of health, a lot of intelligence to increase the size of his mana pool, and a very long range root that can help him with initiating and ganking. The active allows him to set up
Gaping Maw.
Linken's Sphere is an alternative to
Black King Bar for when the enemy team has disables that ignore spell immunity, such as
Primal Roar.
The thematic design of Gaping Maw is cool, reminds me of Cold Feet but with AoE area denial. The combo potential with other disables here is insane. For such a large increase in cost per level, not much else increases really. Maybe increase the 2nd effect spike damage per level as well? In all fairness, this spell potentially deals a lot of damage level 1 so probably should have a higher cost at level 1 as well.
Can you cast Benevolent Madness on allies and yourself? Very thematic spell and while it’s not my favourite because it’s so much like the old MoM, I can see its purpose in the kit.
Tentacle Lash having both a sizable cooldown and a random chance irks me, but that’s more of a personal opinion. While your ultimate is down, this is the only spell you have to help secure Gaping Maw and I like that combo, but I dislike the fact that if you attempt it and the random numbers screw you over, it feels bad. Maybe remove the randomness and replace it with every few casts of Tentacle Lash guarantees the drag on the next cast?
Does the ultimate fear enemies to the center and thus fully disabled for the entire duration? Is this essentially a non-channelled
I thought about that for a while but ultimately I felt it might get to gimmicky? It's still a decent luxury item for him. Gives nice stats, helps with Q, lets him hit buildings after team-fight winning ults.
He has a pretty big mana pool and his other skills (other than his ult) are cheap so I think the mana cost is pretty justified. I'll consider messing with the damage and early cost but I'm not sure.
Yes, I've now clarified that in the notes.
It slows a decent amount so I figured it would be alright. I've now specified in the notes that the odds are psuedo-random, so eventually it's guaranteed.
I cleared up in the notes how the skill works in regards to the hero. It doesn't move with him but he can act (it's not channeled). The damage is magic and positioning changes a lot in terms of damage. If you think it's still too strong I can tweek it. This hero is mostly his ultimate, which is why it's pretty strong.
He has a pretty big mana pool and his other skills (other than his ult) are cheap so I think the mana cost is pretty justified. I'll consider messing with the damage and early cost but I'm not sure.
It slows a decent amount so I figured it would be alright. I've now specified in the notes that the odds are psuedo-random, so eventually it's guaranteed.
I cleared up in the notes how the skill works in regards to the hero. It doesn't move with him but he can act (it's not channeled). The damage is magic and positioning changes a lot in terms of damage. If you think it's still too strong I can tweek it. This hero is mostly his ultimate, which is why it's pretty strong.
I think I wasn't as worried about mana problems, more like it doesn't feel as worth it with every level. Could be a more personal thing but eh, one could argue that it's normal to expect more from upgrades.
Priming pseudo-randomness doesn't really work, especially in this case again where it has a noticeable cooldown and can't just be primed by normally attacking as most PRD abilities are. I hope you see what I'm talking about, but it's your hero so you decide at the end of the day. While the slow is decent given that it can affect multiple targets, the duration seems to be missing.
I still need to ask does the ultimate fully disable them for the full duration they're feared? While the justification you used at the end is an interesting one, strong spells still need counterplay. Enigma is also mostly his ultimate and I don't think
Cyclopean City is a 4s non-BKB piercing disable with decent Magic damage. The counter play here is don't get hit by it. This is manageable mostly because the spell is centered around Alhazred and has a ridiculously long cast animation. The cast point (the duration before the spell takes affect) is 1.3s. If he were in game I imagine the visual cue being rather obvious, giving heroes time to escape or BKB or whatever. The back swing is even longer at 2s, basically disabling the hero for ~50% of the duration.
I think it's mostly balanced in terms of damage and disable. But it seems like it's still unclear how the skill functions. I'll try my best to clarify all of this.
Thanks for all the feedback!