Yes I am new to DOTA 2 and Yes I suck. For all you noobs like me read Purges guide for new players.
Welcome to Dota, You Suck
I highly recommend and can't stress enough work you way through Purge's guide. I couldn't imagine going into this game cold with just the tutorial scenarios for guidance.
Now that you have read the articles and watch the videos, you read it all and watched it all right?, you too can start playing through the tutorial and realize you suck. At this point I have been playing for about a week. Never having played the genre before, I am going through a massive learning and re-adjustment of my set of game playing skills. I have yet to play against another human being as I feel like a new born babe just trying to walk while playing against the bots.
For the last week or so I have been gathering knowledge and then trying to translate that knowledge into game play. I have been finding out there is a big difference between knowing what to do and being able to smoothly execute that knowledge. Steam says I have 24 hours played at this point, not sure if this is actual game time or time I have spent in the game while reading and watching videos on how to play certain heroes. Whichever it is for every game I play I have spent an equal amount at least researching various aspects of the game to try and help me get over the hump of the learning curve.
The reason I am writing this blog (my first blog ever) is to share my experience for anyone else that is finding it painful going through this transition into this type of game.
Tip One:
Go to
Can't stress this one enough
Tip Two:
Google is your friend. Use it, love it, or be lost.
Tip Three:
Start working through the tutorial in Dota 2.
Repeat tips one and two.
Tip Four:
Last Hits and Deny as much as possible early, unless your support then don't steal from the carries. Don't know what these are? See Tip Two.
Once you learn about denying the other side kills you will want this guide so you can do it by right clicking the creeps.
Get the console up as per guide and type in
dota_force_right_click_attack 1
Tip Five:
Once you reach the mid tower defense tutorial (Know thy enemy) start reading specific guides on how to play the hero types you choose. This will really cut down on learning curve but at this point most of the advance tactics will be useless on the one on one mid tower defense, but will give you items and skill priorities.
Tip Six:
Now that you reached full team bot fight tutorial you can start trying to put in some of those more advance tactics with your favorite hero/s from the previous defense.
Tip Seven:
While not for everyone, I picked a noob hero to play and learn inside out, Lich. I then proceeded to read through 2 guides on dotafire about Lich, listed below.
I then through hubris decided to write my own guide for noobs..ok not really, I just wanted a place to put down some ideas I was having about how items worked and the progression of them for my hero. Five hours later, was published. I can honestly say after writing it and working through the items in game and in the 2 listed guides (which are much, much better than mine for more advance play) I have learned a lot about how and why the items suggested in the previous guides were selected. This exercise lets you stop thinking about what should I buy and concentrate more on when to buy it and the game itself.
Tip Eight:
Even with learning about the items and when to put them into play. The first match you will still have starts and stops and take excessive time finding items and coordinating delivery of item. I swear to freaking god if I click the damn courier and switch to controlling it instead of my character one more time ......sigh
Tip Nine:
Bot games suck cause BOTS ARE STUPID. Don't expect bots to do anything besides run up and down lanes and group up now and then. Just when you think you got a good push going and the other side on ropes bots turn around and run the other way........leaving you there to go splat...ok maybe I wasn't paying close attention to what my team was doing but damn happen 3 times one match. We had 3 or 4 enemies down to 1 or 2 health bubs when I was abandoned by team lol...
Tip Ten:
Tunnel vision is bad! Pay attention to what team does even if it is bots.
Well that's most of my accumulated knowledge so far into week 1 of Dota 2. Most of it garnered through guides and trial and error.
I am signing off with one last tip mainly for me as I need to work on what it says.
Tip Eleven:
Even though they are annoying keep playing bot games until you can control your hero semi-fluidly and get last hits at will (or close to it). Because if you can't do the basics you might just as well give the frek up now.
Just a small note of caution (pretty sure you did this anyway) - but let people know you're new when writing a guide as some of the things you suggested didn't really work (e.g. starting without regen is a huge no-no, the absolute minimum is a pack of Tangos, and usually a Healing Salve too).
Anyway, good luck and glad you're enjoying! Will be interesting to hear how you get on when you start playing games with/against people.