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xCO2's Blog
Blog Posts: 3     Views: 12545     Comments: 38
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Off Topic
January 08, 2013
+Rep Report
Dotafire  |  Activity  |  Competition  |  Forum  |  Prizes
Recently some of us have been discussing ways to increase activity on the site or create a more populated community. I've been brainstorming a few ideas myself and wanted to know what you, the users, think about these ideas and if you'd be willing to participate.

My first idea consists of creating a more abundant amount of responses by adding notifications. Such as if someone rep'd you, commented on your guide, or quoted you. I feel like this will quicken the response time between users and allow them to see who is interacting with them.

Another idea I had to create more communication between users is to change the Off-topic sub-section to something more inviting. Something that has been done on sites like GaiaOnline (iE; the Chatterbox), and create something where users that are close within the Dotafire community can just blab between each other about whatever.

Most likely the most impactful of my ideas; create rewards for the active members of the community. By creating forum com…
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March 24, 2013

Dotafire Community Cup

Views: 3998 xCO2
+Rep Report
DoTA2  |  DoTA  |  Dotafire  |  Competition


This is just an idea that I thought of to increase the interaction between the users, and for newer players to meet potential friends. This is not anything official, this has not been ran over with any of the admins on the site, this is purely an idea and I just want to see some feedback to see if this would be something people would be interested in participating in.

DotafireCommunity Cup

  • Dotafire Account
  • Speak/Read/Write basic English
  • Working microphone
  • At least 100 completed games
  • Share match history enabled (For the 100 games completion verification)

Entry: (Post in the entry thread filling in the said requirements.)
  • Steam Username
  • Dotabuff Report
  • Skype Username (Optional)

  • 10 persons
  • 5 versus 5
  • Captains Mode
  • Randomized user teams
  • Team elimination rounds

Prizes: (Prizes consist of a single redeemable ticket. Tickets can be redeemed based on quantity)
  • 1 Ticket = 1 Common of choice from DoTA2 in-game stor

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April 25, 2013

Posting DoTA2 Blog News

Views: 3314 xCO2
+Rep Report
Dotafire  |  Forum  |  News  |  DoTA  |  DoTA2  |  Valve  |  Blogs

DotafireBlog News

I felt it'd be necessary to post the formatte for reporting Valve blog updates. Sometimes we may not be on during the general hours that the blog is released or there will be a delay on the blog release and we might need someone to type up the blog for it to be stickied to the front page without delay when our Community Manager or Moderator log in. You can find the Valve blogs at and report them to the Dotafire News Forum.

All text within the double parentheses are to be replaced along with the double parentheses when updating them with the proper information. Make sure to follow similar formatting guidelines as the official blog post, such as hyperlinks and colored text as well as symbols and indents. When editing your post any copied material from the official blog post will change any symbols to an out of format text, such as arrows and apostrophes becoming a slew of random symbols. Proper spacing might be needed as usin

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