January 08, 2013

Increasing Activity on Dotafire

Views: 5166 xCO2
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Dotafire  |  Activity  |  Competition  |  Forum  |  Prizes
Recently some of us have been discussing ways to increase activity on the site or create a more populated community. I've been brainstorming a few ideas myself and wanted to know what you, the users, think about these ideas and if you'd be willing to participate.

My first idea consists of creating a more abundant amount of responses by adding notifications. Such as if someone rep'd you, commented on your guide, or quoted you. I feel like this will quicken the response time between users and allow them to see who is interacting with them.

Another idea I had to create more communication between users is to change the Off-topic sub-section to something more inviting. Something that has been done on sites like GaiaOnline (iE; the Chatterbox), and create something where users that are close within the Dotafire community can just blab between each other about whatever.

Most likely the most impactful of my ideas; create rewards for the active members of the community. By creating forum competitions I believe it gives the members more incentive to come on the site. Some of these would consist of forum games and some would be based on activity and popularity. One of which I was theory crafting of having a post game, first person to post with their posts numbered to a certain value would win a DoTA2 cosmetic. Posts ranging from simple bumps to chatting, and awards ranging from uncommons to mythicals. On the other end, we could host a reward system to the highest rated guide of the month, or most innovative guide. These are just ideas for now, and suggestions are welcome.

My last suggestion is a bit more out of Dotafire's hands and into control of the owners of the Mobafire Network. If you would, you can see in the top left corner the three hosted sites of Mobafire, but if you do the same on Mobafire.com you do not see these. The site is hidden to new users and requires you to actually click a drop down to realize that this site is part of the network. I think by actually having the site advertised ,as is Mobafire on here, then we will get more attention and maybe even spark the interest of some LoL players to give DoTA a try.

Re-purpose Off-topic, Install notifications, Prizes, and Incorporating Dotafire on Mobafire.