Studying the Pros (Questions)
Views: 1809 Ursula7I thought it was time to take a break from playing, but not from DOTA. I decided to spend the day making notes on You Tube Pros and trying to formulate strategies of my own from my personal experiences.
Here are a few questions I would like answered.
1) A few games where I actually got the drop on Pudge, he was able to pocket deny without a bloodstone. How?
2) Can you pocket deny with a Soul Ring?
3) Now... I've heard of stutter stepping where you click, move, click, move. But when I see the pros moving their heroes, the repeatedly click like morse code in a line to where they want to go. What does this accomplish.
4) Okay, this has been bugging me for awhile. I saw a pro Ursa in offlane, and he upgraded his Stout to a Poor Man'…
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