June 19, 2017

Micromanaging and Streaming

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Stream  |  Ursula  |  Terrorblade  |  Lycan  |  Twitch  |  YouTube
After realizing that I have been playing support so much that I find myself panicked to find a hero or two that does decent dps and/or can tank as well as Ogre. I picked up Lycan because he seemed simple to use and I would learn more about micromanaging and melee.

I messed around on solo for awhile when I noticed that when you picked up the illusion rune while he's a werewolf, that his illusions are werewolves too, but if you get it, THEN morph, the illusions don't follow. So I decided to test this stuff with a Manta Style. It was then I noticed something very cool... his illusions gained his crit while they were transformed. So instead of going for Necro, I actually built him to hit more often. When I put on the Crystalis, the crit hell was more often. I'm going to see what why the Necronomicon is so bae on Lycan because I looked up the gold and exp those creeps give when they get shot down, and I didn't want the enemy to be getting that kind of swag.

Then it hit me... would that same stuff effect Terrorblade.

... O. M. F. G. ...

Because he's agility, his attack gains on top of hitting frequently. Once I slapped a Daealdus with a Manta Style, the wreckage was real. Unlike Lycan, he can go from ranged to melee with his transformation and all of his toadies go with him. Pity the enemy if the guy actually gets an illusion rune.

I will be showing my misadventures on stream now. Usually from 3PM Central to 12AM with an hour and a half "Chow Call" where I go to lunch while showing off the works of indie music and artists. I don't have a lot, so I put my own stuff up there. I know I'm not the best player in the world, but I know how to entertain people as I learn. The only chat I'll be paying attention to is the Twitch chat, but I'll be streaming on Facebook and on YouTube.


My Facebook is still a personal page, so only my friends get to share and see that one.

