April 21, 2012

Giving away keys after the ArenaMasters.org beta cup finals

Views: 2171 Triumph117
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beta keys  |  arenamasters  | 
8 Teams are through the group stage into the best of 3 single elimination series, playing off for a $500 prize. Games will be streamed at Dotacast.com

Games start at 10am GMT+10 (about 40 minutes from this post)

The Teams:

    Blackfade.org (US/AU)

    Parallel Gaming (AU)

    Skill Difference (US)

    Absolute Legends (AU/CAN)

    BVD (AU)

    Sequential Gaming (NZ)


We'll also be giving a couple of beta keys away again after the last game. Brush up on your trivia if you want to take a shot at one.