So I was working on a guide about hero roles. I had a snazzy name picked out and everything "Dota 2 Class Warfare" I was going to call it, and maybe insert bad jokes and pictures of the Occupy X movement.
Then I had an awesome discussion with Snoopy from Absolute Legends. It was incredibly enlightening and yet also extremely frustrating. The gist of it is there's a metagame shift in the works and with it mostly invalidates the stuff I've done and was working on at the time. Gah. At least we get to explore new topics though. The next video guide will mostly be concerning what's happening right now.
Basically Na'Vi are to blame. Those of you who've seen the Ukranian (mostly) juggernaught in action know exactly how successful they are and how damn scary they look when they play. Naturally they're extremely talented players with incredible coordination but that's not the whole of it. For a long time I've put down their ability to pub stomp even the strongest teams (and I do mean sto…
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