January 18, 2015

Progress on [Full/Dense] Goo's Guide To Dota 2. Log #2.

Views: 637 TheGooGaming
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After 12 hours of writing just today. I am happy to announce that the full guide is going at a decent rate.

I am currently working on section 40, that is finishing the spells sections more of less. Next up is the Map and map general guidelines, such as lanes, objectives, buildings, pushing and defending, roshan, jungle and jungling, pulling and stacking, etc, etc.

Section 40 is about 1/3 of the whole guide done, as it is around 120 sections, maybe a little but more. And it is already longer than my guide to the Midlane.

So yea, just, remember this is still a thing to come in the future. I doubt it will be done in January, I also doubt it will be delayed until March, so it will just come when it has to come.
