January 08, 2014

When you draft keep these heroes in mind (supports)

Views: 2654 TheAmazingComicBookGuy
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When I see teams draft I see their draft being 2 things, an entire strategy (mostly push: lone, veno, lycan, brood and np or teamfight: enigma, warlock, void, puck and tide) or heroes they see picked by pro players (used to be a lot of nyx+naga, currently not so much).
When I usually draft I like to keep in mind the heroes who are LONG forgotten, but still way to good to pass up when none of the dendei heroes fit your team.
Ancient Apparition: He offers your team a lot of versatility, while being able to mid or support he can be picked up as a fifth pick (also good counter to slark and alchemist). He combines well with a carry+a support with a disable. He offers great teamfight as well.
Disruptor: This hero offers a lot of teamfight and gank, while lackingBURST. His ult and field can just wipe teams, while glimpse can be a really hard to deal with spell. He is a good combo with aa and Jakiro who are on this list as well.
Jakiro: This hero used to be the go to support, but I still think he is amazing. His stun is hard to compare to anything else, because it's so GOOD. He can offer very high teamfight and great aggressive lanes. He is also really tanky (something a lot of supports aren't).
Lion: This hero is currently really underrated, but my friends love him, so I draft him. He has a LOT of disable, while also being able to BURST somebody down really quick. The way we like playing him is getting him his level 6 secured than looking for 100% kills.
Omniknight: The way we just ran this hero is solo safe lane while we had an agressive tri, and boy is it GOOD! He has to farm his quick arcane, mek and vlad's and you WILL win fights. His heal is super strong and his magic immunity is WAY undervalued.
Ogre Magi: He is my personal support, who while being melee has a lot of damage, and steroids in the late-game. While being tanky trough the entire game. His roams are really deadly even at level 1 or 2.
Witch Doctor: He IS the most underrated support of all, while being squishy he has the best stun in the game, a great heal, a HUGE damage amplify and a team-wiping ult. I personally don't get why people don't use him.

Share your experiences with these heroes in cm.