September 06, 2015

Tera's Digest - Something Wicked

Views: 1023 Terathiel
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More of this stuff :)

So I'm a bit of a musician and songwriter in addition to all the other stuff I do, and have composed like 30-something songs even though I've recorded all of one of them. So, while I can't share the music, I can definitely share the lyrics :)

I've cherry picked a couple I'm particularly proud of. See if you can work out what they mean!


Outside the Cycle

^Completely unrelated to something else of the same title.

Black Rose Deathbed

Into the Flame

Slept Too Long

Maybe I'll record them someday? I'd need a full prog metal band since most of them go for over 7 minutes. Not to mention I'm still adding to the score of some. We'll have to see!