May 02, 2013
+Rep Report
Dota 2  |  Trilane
When playing in pub games, you won't find advanced laning such as Tri-Lanes or Solo Hardlanes. You will find the default dual top, and dual bottom lane, with a solo mid. But one day you might want to try it with a group of friends in a 5 stack party, or even in a pub where someone requests it. So here is a general rundown of these advanced laning techniques :

The Tri-Lane

It became popular a while ago, and is still considered a fairly common strategy in the pro scene. This lane setup's main purpose is to give your carry the safest farm possible. To do this, you send two supports with a carry into the safelane (the long lane, bottom for Radiant, Top for Dire). The jobs of the two supports are to harass the enemy (be it one, two or three heroes), pull creeps from neutral camps to keep the lane from pushing to the enemy tower and the most important task, protecting the carry. This lane is usually sustained for the first 10 minutes or so of the game. After that the supports will usually s…
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