Yesterday, a client came into the DVD Rental store I work at. The woman brought back a DVD, placed it on the counter, and started complaining. She told me that she placed the DVD in her DVD-Player, and it refused to play. So, as always, I took out the disc, and checked it for scratches. There weren't any. Upon telling the woman that there seems to be nothing wrong with the disc, she continued on to tell me that she has the best, state-of-the-art DVD player, and that the disc must be faulty because her player is perfect.
Now, my metaphor is a bit in reverse, but it'll do. Just because your team loses, doesn't mean your team is the 'biggest noobs on Dota', and 'should uninstall Dota'. In fact, I have come to realize that very often than not, you lose a game because the enemy team is better. When solo-queuing, you will very often be matched up with other solo-queurs. If you happen to play against 4-5 people on the enemy team playing together with Skype or TS, you will have a defenite disadvantage. They might know each other's playstyle. They'll have quicker communication because they all know each other. They might even have a strategy planned beforehand.
So, my silly post simply boils down to this : When you play in a Pub game alone, and you suddenly get ganked by four people all better farmed than you, and you die, and then subsequently keep dying until you lose, please, don't start calling your team noob. Sure, there might have been a overzealous tower-diver that fed. But, very often, everyone is an average player that just couldn't outfarm the super-Dota-1-master AM that knew exactly how to do everything he needs to do to win. And very often than not you get counter-picked, even by accident, and lose because they chose heroes that work better against your own team setup.
So try to keep your name-calling to a minimum. Everyone has to start somewhere, and many of us are still stuck in the average-gamer rut while looking for friends or a clan to raise up to become more. Don't let a good team beating you make you feel like you played badly. You played average, the enemy simply played better.
Good inspiration given thanks :)
However, in different scenarios it's humanly impossible not to burst out in rage and tell people some sweet stuff about their momma. :D
For instance, i'm a working man. I work in a stressful enviroment all day (well, most of it between 9 AM to 6 PM). When i get home, i plan my free time as well as i can in order to rest.
Most of the time, my free time involves a couple of hours of DotA2.
If someone plays badly and leaves the impression his doing it on purpose, it ruins the game for me.
Considering i can only play like 3 games / night due to the lack of free time, for me is a big deal that the certain person simply distroyed my game. When the same certain individual starts flaming the team, you just cant not tell him some "yo momma stuff". :D
I had one great experience though - 5 mins in and 3 of my team are whining about how everyone else is a n00b, and they all rage quit. I almost quit myself after apologising to my remaining teammate, ("it's all so hopeless!") but in the end we stuck with it and got an epic victory!
Haters gonna hate :P
Yeah, your general attitude in a game can really have an effect on the other players.
Like when one person gets mad at an otherwise calm team and before you know it everybody's yelling and blaming everyone else. People with negative attitudes can really have an effect on the rest of the team.
I honestly think the problem is that these people tend to think they're perfect at the game and when it goes downhill, they blame everyone else because they think themselves perfect. Sometimes the other team is just outfarming you, or they have a better team comp, or they have better map control. I doubt these people are going to go anywhere though, so the best you can do is report them post-game and avoid sinking to their level.
Yeah, your general attitude in a game can really have an effect on the other players. Constructive comments and being a bit forgiving is good ways to raise morale, and get people to communicate more.
And I also agree, a microphone is a must. I have most of my best games when playing with people that talk with me over the voice chat.
Actually quite the surprise, I've gotten a few games where all but one player was relatively new, and the rest were more than happy to listen to me guide them, it makes me even more glad when they stop to ask me what they should do next. Even if they don't have a mic, as long as you take control and are polite, and they are listening when you talk, the games will go well. I find that these are the most enjoyable games.
And I also agree, a microphone is a must. I have most of my best games when playing with people that talk with me over the voice chat.
Quite often the problem is that people play these games from quite a selfish point of view "I went Hand of Midas jungler last game and owned it" - maybe this time the opposition picked a Phantom Lancer who got plenty of farm against your solo and it was never going to work. Or "I won my lane", doesn't mean that the other lanes went well and there's nothing you can do about it then. People make mistakes - giving them a Healing Salve or just saying "don't worry about" it makes them want to work with you and return the favour.
Calling them a ****er, the opposite - screw you, I don't care anymore. I made a mistake "sorry" - I don't think anyone's ever got a positive reaction from another member of their team by having a go at them - "Oh wait, you're right, I screwed up and will now re-evaluate my life and make better choices".
my main problem is not the "U suck go Uninstall Dota 2", but people who does not communicate from to the start to the end, and they pick carries.
It's like you read my mind :P
But seriously, Dota is and always has been is a TEAM game. People should start acting like a team or stop ruining the game for others who do. Once I had a team with an Enigma, Undying (me), Magnus, Lina and Anti-Mage against Huskar, Lifestealer, Spectre, Luna (not very good) and a Shadow fiend. And we lost to the all-carry team.
In this game, only Lina and I were active in the chat. The only thing Magnus said was "Me mid". Later on, Lina and I noticed that Magnus and Enigma did not buy a blink dagger, and suggested for them to get one. No response.
When Lina and I were ganking the Spectre in the river, it apparently didn't occur to the anti-Mage to blink down from the nearby forest to secure the kill, and we lost it. Lina and I asked him why he didn't blink. No response.
In teamfights, none of the initiators were initiating, and Lina's stun was only followed up weakly by my tombstone, while the rest of my teammates cowered in fear until we died. We asked them why they didn't follow up. Again, no response.
It's time people like this learn some communication skills. I would rather lose as a team than win knowing that I was alone on every front.