July 19, 2013

Why people don't play support in Pubs

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Supports  |  Pubs
As a long term support player (it's my primary role) I have to say that some recent experience has really opened my eyes more to why many players get off playing this role in pubs.

While there's been some nice teams recently (who y'know, actually say thanks, even commend), but the last few games have been an absolute nightmare. Our team has actually won pretty comfortably, they've had wards all games, utility items, free salves and all the usual stuff.

Think the main problem in all these cases has been that I've been the only support on the team - hence you're still expected (and try) to do everything, but obviously some things take longer. Unless you're getting neutral stacks, assists or early towers then you end up having to make some tough decisions - which do you need first from Observer Ward, Flying Courier, Sentry Ward, Town Portal Scroll...and that's before you even get to the Bracer, Boots of Speed or Mekansm that you really need.

All of these things are managable in the end, especially if your team does a few things that bring you a bit of gold in. The biggest issue is people's attitude at times - they've picked their heroes with little regard for the team, but still expect everything to be put on a silver platter for them.

Playing Keeper of the Light at times feels like nannying a couple of spoilt children - "I need mana, why did you give him mana"..."Mana"..."MANA"..."WHY NO MANA"...it has a 17 second cooldown peeps, I'll get to you when I can, and yes I can see that blue bar next to your name, and that's why I keep giving you mana when it's low without you asking. A little credit for all the other times you've got it wouldn't hurt.

The absolute worst one is when you've spent the whole game serving your team, you're sitting on a couple of utility items and a grand total of 110 gold. Your wards are about to run out, so you jungle a couple of creeps to get it...the team's semi-carry wanders past and nonchantly takes the last hits off you...and then immediately moans the wards are about to run out...

I will keep playing support, even in pub matches, as I enjoy it, and the nice teams that work together balance out the arrogant, selfish ones...and because it bothers me so much when the support stuff doesn't get done right :)

Just remember peeps, Supports are there to help you, they're doing a tricky job under difficult circumstances and sacrificing their power and possibly their life to make you stronger. Treat them with respect, not like some kind of slave who you wipe your feet on. If they've been letting you farm all game without any problems, if they're grabbing a few hits somewhere they obviously need them. It's just bad manners to take it off them.

An occasional thank you doesn't go amiss! :)