With some decent broods finally strutting their stuff, it's a good time to look at how to do well in lane against her. Many pubbers have probably never seen a good Brood in action and have merely laughed at the antics of randomers trying to play her.
+ Invisibility, pass uncrossable terrain and high movement speed in web
+ Great extra health regeneration in web
+ Can block or farm jungle camps with spiderlings
- Poor base damage
- No stun
- Mana dependent
The main thing to bear in mind is how dangerous Spawn Spiderlings and spiderlings themselves can be if you haven't got the tools to deal with them. They may not do much damage individually, but a big mass of them can eat squishy heroes with poor armour, are faster than most heroes without boots, and take a long time to be killed by the tower (allowing Brood herself to dive).
If Brood gets off to get a good start, gets a lot of spiderlings, and then gets some kills it can almost be "abandon lane!" time...and when your dual safe lane vs solo goes bad the rest of your team is probably going to be in trouble too. Towers start falling rapidly, your carry is underfarmed...uh it gets ugly, fast.
So how do you stop her?
1) Get a hero with cheap early AOE damage. You can turn Brood's spiderlings into an opportunity for bonus gold/xp if you have the right skills to deal with them easily. If neither partner has spammable AOE damage then you can end up in real difficulty. And it has to be "proper" AOE (i.e. everything in the area takes full damage) not just "hits multiple targets".
2) If you're a support, get starting Sentry Ward even if it means not getting Observer Ward. I know it happens a lot that you end up with 1 support on a team when you should have 2, and you can't buy a courier and both kinds of wards. It's tough, your team are actually gonna have to help themselves for a change, this is more important.
3) Deny as much as possible early on, and in combination with the sentry wards try to drive her away from the creep line. She has poor base damage and needs mana regeneration for spiderlings (usually a Soul Ring). You probably won't be able to drive her off the lane completely as there are so many places she can hide and get XP, but if you stop her getting much early farm you can delay her and make her much less effective.
Some Good Heroes to counter her:
Carries: (primary skill you need)
Gyrocopter ( Flak Cannon)
Dragon Knight ( Breathe Fire + Soul Ring)
Kunkka ( Tidebringer)
Naga Siren ( Rip Tide)
Razor ( Plasma Field)
Slardar ( Slithereen Crush)
Weaver ( Shukuchi)
(Any carry with good AOE is an option here, but these heroes have cheap, spammable ones)
Best: (tough with cheap aoe)
Naga Siren ( Rip Tide)
Jakiro ( Dual Breath + Liquid Fire)
Sand King ( Caustic Finale)
Tidehunter ( Anchor Smash)
Usable: (either mana and/or squishiness issues)
Crystal Maiden ( Crystal Nova)
Lina ( Dragon Slave)
Necrolyte ( Death Pulse)
Earthshaker ( Fissure/ Enchant Totem/ Aftershock)
Keeper of the Light ( Illuminate)
Some others:
Clockwerk ( Rocket Flare)
Axe ( Counter Helix)
Bristleback ( Quill Spray)
Elder Titan ( Astral Spirit)
Dark Seer ( Ion Shell)
Magnus ( Shockwave)
Mirana ( Starstorm)
Storm Spirit
Her role has become a little clearer since the patch - she's not (and has never really been) a proper ganker or carry. But, she's a strong pushing semi-carry and midgame can be a massive problem if she got a good start. There's not many heroes who can dominate the offlane solo as hard as her (given the right plays and situation).
Btw i think Death profeth should be a good call against Broodmother, good and cheap Aoe nuke and ultimate too can be of use.
Broodmother, imo is one of those heroes. While her W is better now, that does not make:
-Her spiderlings that good (which is what should've been buffed tbh. It characterizes her more)
-Her awkward role less awkward (supposedly a carry, but rarely gets enough DPS to actually be scary)
While the buff was ok, it did not make her more inclined to a carry or a full-on pushing offlane hero, giving her better escape options, juking and ganking through this and while the former two were fine, the third was definitely unncessary because it's not what a Brood is supposed to be doing.
I'm pretty sure her ulti is still purgeable so I think Shadow Demon should get a mention because it's her sole late game presence besides her spiderlings which could die in a flash.