I thought today I'd share a bit of the stuff I work on that you never see, for one reason or another. This in particular comes from a guide I was writing on Clinkz, just... just in case you hadn't guessed that from reading the title.
And? Are you going to tell the good people of Dotafire why you never FINISHED your guide for Clinkz?
I... I am literally the worst Clinkz who ever Clinkzed. I just couldn't ever do well enough to feel confident giving advice.
Didn't stop you from writing the Brewmaster guide, though.
Anyways, on to the meat of this thing. Be sure to click the link that shows up for appropriate music!
Hello one and everyone! Safecyn here, bringing you a guide to...
I knew it. I knew right after that freaking blog post that this was coming.
And... this is a problem? You don't think I can Clinkz?
Do you have proof you can Clinkz?
I don't see why that's relevant.
Ok fiiine. Here. Proof I can Clinkz.
That last one isn't... ok, none of those are terribly impressive, but that last one in particular isn't even worth mentioning.
That last one is me playing position 5 hard support Clinkz for a team of four other cores.
... Touche`. So this was a guide?
Oh! Right! Clinkz! This guy's a blast, man, you'll love playing him. His voice acting is cool, his model is adorable in a BAMF sort of way, and he has one of, if not THE highest potential single target DPS in the game? Not to mention that absolutely none of it is reduced by magic resistance, and structures take the full brunt of his fiery fury.
He's also a decently good role model, what with being an archer who fought off a demon-king in order to save his people and all. Most people would be pretty ticked off after being cursed to an eternity of being burnt-alive by the very archmage he sought to protect, but what does Clinkz say? "Better to run than curse the road." Play the hand you're dealt, in other words, don't get too mad at what life throws you. We could all learn a thing or two from that, I feel.
Even pub players?
ESPECIALLY pub players.
And do remember, this guide is just suggestions based on my own experiences and understanding of the game, and shouldn't be followed to the letter (especially since, if you just go down the line and buy one at a time, you'll end up stacking UAMS. You can't do that. Stop trying to stack them. STOP!) Being able to adapt to your specific game is what separates the pros from us rank amateurs. Feedback is appreciated, as long as it's constructive!
Safecyn Reflects
His role, his lane, his strengths, his weaknesses, his candor, and his panache
Oh? A guest? Please, have a...
You made this a thing.
How egregiously rude of you to interrupt me, especially in front of a guest! Puerile youth. It's a wonder his mother never taught him some manners. Please, pay him no mind.
Ah, I see you've come to discuss the Bone Fletcher. Clinkz. A selfish, greedy hero if there ever was one.
Wait... didn't you literally just get done saying what a good role model he is?
Oh, don't mistake my intentions: I have no ill to speak of his personality. It's his skill set bequeathed to him by our arctic amphibious god that is the selfish bit. Clinkz is one of, if not THE only hero who doesn't have a single ability that benefits the other members of his team.
Is... wait, that's actually right, isn't it?
Absolutely. Weaver has an ability that reduces armor, which can benefit his team. Juggernaut has his healing ward. Even Anti-Mage heartless, selfish bastard that he is, has a mini-stun and AOE teamfight ability. But Clinkz? Each and every one of his abilities affects him, and only him, and he has no AOE potential to speak of.
This is why, unlike many heroes in Dota, he is shackled to the roles of either carry or semi-carry. He is absolutely dependent on both gold and experience to be of any worth to his team, and will fall off harshly if he cannot get it.
Can't he at least be a moving ward with Skeleton Walk?
A moving ward that is easily caught out by Sentries and Gem of True Sight, feeding the enemy team more gold and guaranteeing a 4 on 5 engagement. If that's what you consider useful then I'm beginning to understand why we never queue together.
Despite his farming needs, however, his laning is remarkably flexible. He benefits a great deal from safelane farm, but is a powerful harasser as well, making off-lane a tempting position. Between Searing Arrows and Death Pact, Clinkz has the tools to farm this lane significantly better than others, or catch up if he falls behind. Mid-lane is also a viable option, as the hero can turn good rune pick-ups into ganks like nobody's business.
I will repeat, however, that Clinkz is reliant on gold and experience. Therefore, if you cannot secure a role as either safelane, mid, or offlane farmer, DO NOT pick the hero. Your team will benefit more from a support.
You done? Can we get on to the tolerable parts now?
Curb your tongue, troglodyte.
Just sort of felt like posting this, I don't really know why. There's a pros/cons section and an outdated skills rundown I could post too if anyone was interested. Like I said, regardless of that 'Proof I Can Clinkz' bit, I eventually shelved this guide because I just wasn't good with him QQ. Doesn't mean I won't go back and write one eventually buuuut, I've got other plans for now.
Oh god. Who are you going to give bad advice for this time?
... I hate you.
Safecyn, signing out.
I just played my latest calibration match and I'm doing the write-up, keep your shirt on :p
Chichi don't be confused, when people in your team pick *really* ******ed heroes you need to find a way around. Yes, Clinkz is literally the last hero you'd want to play as a hard support but well have you ever had this game where you first pick a carry and very clearly call safe lane farm in chat, just to have this disgusting douchebag last pick Anti-Mage and ruin your game? Pubs, right? :)
that's not that bad as having someone in your team automaticly think pudge will be midding when he called safe lane support and then it ends in your jungling NP going mid against ember after he got free farm for 3 minutes. and after a while your offlaner (who didn't offlane because scumbag axe made a duo lane of it) Brewmaster (me) take over mid after a failed 3 man gank on ember (screw his remnants). on top of that axe thinks he can manfight ursa (we could with help of my beer but not without it)
Apparently Clinkz was soo OP in 6.83 he had to be nerfed harder than Troll and Storm. Nice patch Volvo :)
Chichi don't be confused, when people in your team pick *really* ******ed heroes you need to find a way around. Yes, Clinkz is literally the last hero you'd want to play as a hard support but well have you ever had this game where you first pick a carry and very clearly call safe lane farm in chat, just to have this disgusting douchebag last pick Anti-Mage and ruin your game? Pubs, right? :)
Don't even get me started. I just gave up on the whole core idea for a while, saves me some headaches.
Clinkz the most selfish hero in dota? U wat? He can win his lane without help, he can gank, he can make space, he can rat, he can control the map, he can carry a game almost 1 vs 5...all the things that benefit his team at any stage of the game.
Meanwhile there is a little trio of goblins running around the map and AFK mining like they don't even have a team - hell, like they're playing a different game. And what does this mining lead to? Gold and experience shared only by the group of fun terrorists and whose only purpose is to plant even more mines to repeat the cycle...nothing even close to a win condition in this game called dota. Not to mention their ability to Life Drain the fun out of 9 people just to fill their own depraved sense of amusement.
By the way, speaking more seriously, I can't believe that Clinkz got nerfed that hard this patch. Yes, nerfed, don't let this eye-candy from the patch notes fool you, these "buffs" are purely convenience and change literally nothing while he got a ton of hidden nerfs.
Deathball becoming more common? Makes Clinkz unplayable since pushing lineups are his big weakness. Ghost Scepter + TP scroll being ********? Sure, ghost was such an underpowered item Kappa. Scythe of Vyse nerfed to no longer disable evasion? Makes my favorite Desolator -> Scythe of Vyse Clinkz build almost unplayable, forces Clinkz to buy Monkey King Bar every game and it sucks. Dust of Appearance movement speed slow increased? Yuck, literally amounts to a 50 MS loss, rat dota with CLinkz nerfed hard. Oh, and did I mention solo kills now give 100 less gold, which is prety much all CLinkz ever does? Apparently Clinkz was soo OP in 6.83 he had to be nerfed harder than Troll and Storm. Nice patch Volvo :)
And what's even the point of Shadow Walk in this patch, when you have Silver Edge anyways that does it much better? Hero really feels like an underpowered Slark now.
The only thing he can do now is rush the now cheaper Desolator and snowball hard off of it. But he'll still suffer a lot from all those changes.
When do you continue your ranking path? :(