May 08, 2016

My Name Is Legion, Because We Are Many.

Views: 2211 Safecyn
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Some  |  Idiot  |  Idiot's  |  Safecyn  |  Legion Commander  |  Why
I'm going to try something a little different here: no, this is not the followup to Safecyn's Sinister Six where I attempt to play Legion Commander, that's... coming? Probably? I don't know, because I don't actually have any desire to play this hero.

This column is primarily going to be an opinion piece with some off-kilter sense of quasi-analysis as I ask a question that may be obvious for some, but utterly baffles me like I were a kindergartner asked to do quadratic expansion. Why the hell is Legion Commander so damn popular?

Legion Commander is the third most played hero this month and the fourth most played for 6.87, and will most likely eclipse Phantom Assassin for third place in that category as well if trends continue unaltered. And like Invoker metaphorically and Pudge literally, she is a festering, bubonic plague on the pub dota scene: a malignant tumor so thoroughly rooted in one of the team's jungles that it can hardly be compared to cancer since she takes so long to metastasize.

Metastasize: a process by which cancerous cells move to other parts of the body. The joke here, for those of you who aren't as scientific and gregariously, embarrassingly intellectual as this moron, is that because your average pub Legion Commander doesn't move from her jungle for anywhere from fifteen to twenty minutes into the game, she can hardly be compared to cancer, which tends to try and move as frequently as possible. We good? Good.

Now I don't want to come off as a guy who's fed up with terrible Legion Commanders ruining my games, on the contrary: a Legion Commander on either team is usually such a non-issue, that I tend to completely forget they exist until they actually manage to use their ultimate. The reason I find myself so befuddled by her popularity, then, is that exact sense of non-factor powerlessness: why would you WANT to play a hero with such an absurdly small timing window that if your team loses you're almost guaranteed to get flamed for your actions?

Some of the reasons seem decently obvious: junglers will be always be popular because you can farm and get your items uninterrupted and don't typically have to worry about the enemy messing around with you or one of your lane mates throwing you under the bus. If the game goes south while you're farming your Blink Dagger, it's because your team is bad and you don't have to shoulder any of the blame for the loss yourself, right? That's totally how it works. It's not like you have a heal/strong debuff in your kit that can help your teammates survive a gank if you were to rotate out of jungle for three seconds.

There's also the fact that she's a snowball hero to some extent: as a hero with no cap to her maximum damage, I can understand the rush of adrenaline that comes from watching an arbitrary number on your HUD go higher and higher and trying to break your previous best record while you become an unstoppable killing force. Except... you really don't. Legion Commander is great at single target pick off to a point, but at the end of the day her teamfight is absolutely non-existent: at least the way that the majority of pubs play her. A Legion Commander is all about blinking in and getting Duel off on a weak target and then having their team barrel in, but in the pub scene specifically this leads to a LOT of miscommunicated feeding that gives the enemy supports or, god forbid, carries, free damage and gold.

Maybe there's some sort of exhilarating, sensual rush that comes from playing the hero that I've never quite experiences because I've never actually PLAYED her against real people. And maybe jungling Legion Commanders get a bad rap because of how catastrophically a bad one can mess things up, and how ridiculous it can be to watch someone farm the jungle for ten minutes, get a Blink Dagger, and then immediately feed a kill making all that supposedly hard work meaningless.

Maybe it's because a hero that has such a high damage potential seems like a carry to a lot of people, rather than the 4 position jungler with snowball potential that she SHOULD be built as. I don't know. But for the life of me, I do not and may never understand why anyone would want to pick this ludicrously niche hero in every game they play, over something like an Ursa with strong Roshan taking potential and actual scaling into the late game. If anyone wants to enlighten me please: speak up. Open forum time, let's go.