July 31, 2015

Grills just want to have fun

Views: 1659 R-Conqueror
So I've stopped playing ranked recently. Why? because ranked is TERRIBLE. You know it, I know, everyone knows it. It's full of people that don't speak your languge, that rage, that feed, that troll, it's TERRIBLE.

And my win-rate has actually reflected my departure from that stressful environment, things are going well for R-Conqueror and Co. at the moment. Without trying to sound too terribly cocky, I can play most heroes pretty well so I can shine in modes like All-Random and Single draft, and everyone seems to be a little nicer anyway, it's been great..although probably not as nice for the other team :D

So why does anyone play ranked? BECAUSE IT"S A CHALLENGE.

MAN when you get that +25 MMR your blood is pumping like you just scored a goal in the world cup and you start applying to take Maybe's place on LGD

But when you lose, Gaben help you my son. The world is gray, your broken MMR laughs at you as you dejectedly watch Miracle own at 7k.

The thing is though, I just don't find it worth it at the moment(read on for the sad part) as people keep saying "ranked is trash even at 5k" and I'm like well what's the point, I can just go play with friends and not worry about it.

Like it's obvious to everyone that would be more fun right.

Playing non-ranked with friends is infinitely more fun.


And yet..

The truly sinister thing about ranked is after I've played my single draft games and wrecked, that number, that cursed number, will grow in the back of my mind.

"3200? you know that's trash, you know you're better than 3200 just go do it, go pick an OP hero, and do it come on, YESTERDAY YOU SAID TOMORROW YOU'D BE 4K SO DO IT JUST DO IT COME ON DON"T LET YOUR DREMES BE MEMES


And then I will.

And I will quickly come to realize that three of us are just not good enough to carry the 2 feeders to victory, we just can't do it Shia we can't I'm sorry man.

And I'll come back here and find every thread with the word ranked on it and just be like I HATE RANKED n00bZ.

And I'll go play some single draft and the whole thing will start over.

start over.


So I've stopped playing ranked recently. Why? because ranked is TERRIBLE.

No, scratch that, ranked is EVIL