The more i run the more my leg hurts, it look at the wound and realized even salve couldn't heal it, but it were not the wounds that hurt the most, Memories were the killers. The flashes go through my mind and they bring Shame, Fear and Guilt I try to convince my self all of this was a nightmare, but Bane was right, No nightmare is more fearsome than real life.
It Happened all in sudden, we were ambushed and had no time to react, no time to fight, no time to run.
The memories of that fight will never be erased from my mind, When Nevermore took Chens holy spirit, when nortrom cursed us all and shut carls mouth forever, when broodmother's spiderlings ate mirana alive and when they killed my, my..., The memory of his death broke me again, I fell on my knees, covered my face with my hands and cried for my lost love, my rock, my dearest Sv…
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