I've been playing dota for a long time and used to be good in game, well people where mostly bad, finding good guides was hard in game, web sites and YouTube and many didn't care about meta or patch notes but I did so grinding MMR was not really hard for me. Things were good but some irl stuff pushed me away from the game. I came back briefly for patch 7.00 to see what's up and ended up writing a guide for my favorite hero *Huskar* (Check out my guides if you're interested).
Talent tree system was not interesting for me and Huskar was **** in the patch so I got burn out quickly. I though I quit DotA for good. Until my reunion with my best friend Backstabber.
We haven't met in years and this amazing game that we all absolutely love and hate at the same time made us closer than ever.
We started in off lane with our Bristleback and Kotl combo, crushing l…
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