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Masked_Man98's Blog
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September 18, 2019
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Hi guys I'm Masked_Man and I wanna share my journey from a toxic player and sometimes person to a caring and positive player and person.
I've been playing dota for a long time and used to be good in game, well people where mostly bad, finding good guides was hard in game, web sites and YouTube and many didn't care about meta or patch notes but I did so grinding MMR was not really hard for me. Things were good but some irl stuff pushed me away from the game. I came back briefly for patch 7.00 to see what's up and ended up writing a guide for my favorite hero *Huskar* (Check out my guides if you're interested).
Talent tree system was not interesting for me and Huskar was **** in the patch so I got burn out quickly. I though I quit DotA for good. Until my reunion with my best friend Backstabber.
We haven't met in years and this amazing game that we all absolutely love and hate at the same time made us closer than ever.
We started in off lane with our Bristleback and Kotl combo, crushing l…
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April 18, 2018

The Untold Chapter 3: Dire

Views: 2024 Masked_Man98
+Rep Report
dark  |  Dire  |  Huskar  |  Novel  |  pain  |  story  |  Traxex
My eyes beg me for sleep but how can I fall into the land of dreams and nightmares when tomorrow everything will end? After 7 years of blood and pain, All units from the Radiant and the Dire will face each other tomorrow before the dawn and may the gods help us against them.
When the silly dream of sleeping finally goes away I decide to do something more than waiting for the end so I head to the lake to pray with ancient rituals to have faith and strength for the battle. As I walk through the tall old trees and feel the jungle with heart and soul, I think about the years that passed, the blood that was spilled and the souls who were released. Was it all worth it? At first we needed to stop Dire and stop their monster like actions but the more time that passes, the more we became like those monsters. Doesn't matter anymore. Doubts that eat me like acid will end soon one way or another.
I finally reach the silver heart lake where several rivers feed its hunger. The reflection of silver m…
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February 13, 2017

The UnTold Chapter 2: Blizzard

Views: 3670 Masked_Man98
+Rep Report
cm  |  crystal_maiden  |  crystalmaiden  |  death  |  kalder  |  lich  |  lina  |  love  |  rylai  |  sacrifice  |  sad  |  sorrow  |  story  |  truelove  |  UnTold
Wind moans like an ill child and brings enunciation of frost and death. The frozen and forgotten lands of North are infamous for their deadly chill that even brings the strongest down; but coldness have never been a problem for us.
With each step I take, Snow around my feet melts and frozen snow touching my skin vaporizes instantly. I can hear Winter Wyverns, flying right above me, waiting till frost deal with me but none of them know how bright my inner fire is. I gaze deeply into the never ending Blizzard and wonder when my quest ends.
As I walk on the snow covered ground, an icicle falls next to me and creates a small cloud of swirling snow, The hallucinatory dance of snow flacks remind me the hungry flames that destroyed the Radiant.
After our teams failure, Dire dark forces took over the Radiant and destroyed it all. I saw my home turning into ash and my friends burning alive. I can still feel the stench of burning flesh and death.
I was immune to the flames but my friends weren…
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January 25, 2017

The UnTold Chapter 1: Dawn

Views: 3623 Masked_Man98
+Rep Report
cm  |  crystal _maiden  |  death  |  rylai  |  sad  |  story  |  UnTold
The first rays of sun are finding their way through the trees, Birds are singing their songs and the weather is full of scent of leaves, mud and BLOOD.

The more i run the more my leg hurts, it look at the wound and realized even salve couldn't heal it, but it were not the wounds that hurt the most, Memories were the killers. The flashes go through my mind and they bring Shame, Fear and Guilt I try to convince my self all of this was a nightmare, but Bane was right, No nightmare is more fearsome than real life.
It Happened all in sudden, we were ambushed and had no time to react, no time to fight, no time to run.
The memories of that fight will never be erased from my mind, When Nevermore took Chens holy spirit, when nortrom cursed us all and shut carls mouth forever, when broodmother's spiderlings ate mirana alive and when they killed my, my..., The memory of his death broke me again, I fell on my knees, covered my face with my hands and cried for my lost love, my rock, my dearest Sv…
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