i'm lofy from germany and i'm 34 years old. (i like my school english)
I like Dota, exspecialy designing my own item builds. Cause of my slow hands and my refuse to use certain items. Despite knowing that they are good. I have to design my own Builds and come up with own solutions. This is what this blog is about. Its not an actuall build more a work in Progress. For builds - maybe somebody helps me gives me ideas i can work in.
Start with the idea i like SnY on DK SnY give good strength therefore damage and gives good AS and on top of that movement speed what i like almost more than everything else on my heroes. So i came up with this idea.
First Idea
That nobody does that was completly clear still lofy tries it.

I didn't build the 3rd SnY, but a Silver Edge to counter spectre. In the end of the game damage output was poor. End of Game Stats where Not very impressive. But i realised something i haven't considered before. I could build 3 belts of strength first. Becomming incredibly tanky. I most of the time i play DK offlane. (Safelane i give the real hard carry and some idiot is everytime tacking/feeding mid). So i get all my belts of strength from the Side shop, even when team buys no courier lofy is fine, anouther great plus.
Next game was totally **** team so nothing to learn by that.
Fine - Tuning
After Suggestions from Hamster (Heavens Halberd) + Cuttle (mjölnir). I did some math or excel, when i'm talking about math u can consider me oppening excel. Heavens Halberd with a 25% chance of evasion produces even more HP and more damage because of 20 Strenght, if u count a Silver Edge in u get more damage, less AS but 3 Aktiv Effects and 3 passiv effects and a crazy ms. Sounds nice.

okay but not impressive, they haven't ignored me and i was something like the main battle tank eating all spells they had and somthing like controlling the game it was me in the middle in front the enemies with thier tower behind me half of my team. But in some extend i could controll the fight:
1st I eat every stun every abillity they had, except when i use bkb.
2nd if somebody tries not to fight me i can slow him to death with my ult.
So not the badest thing but 500 gpm was not what i wanted to have. Had difficutlies to farm my items and stay relevant this game.

that dp mid dominated everything but after i got my items i was relevant, still failfish plays from my side. And still 500gpm even sub that. I wanted to have more...
So i considered cuttle talking about mjölnir and mana pool. Realising that 2 bealts of strenght where enough. So i build a Gloves of Haste into maelstrom. To increase my farm speed and to safe breath fire to hit heroes not creeps. Even higher chance on Maim Proc's again a Silver Edge to fight spectre what was to some extend game bracking.

Skipping the 3rd Sange item. 600+gpm ah there are you :) i'll think i'll continue testing this build - choosing between HH and SE. Advantage 4 me is that i have a real good build up. Using my starting slots to the fullest.
Starting with a
Quelling Blade+Fairy Fire+Ring of Regen
Building 1 Belt of Strength Boots and 2 Belts of Strength than 2 Gloves of Haste And then maelstrom, SnY + HH/SE finisching with Daedalus + Satanic.
but somehow i think the build above works better 4 ME ;)
but maybe omlette + mael will give me what i want.
or maybe i try armlet after my belts of strength shoping spree, to have a build that even comes online quicker...
try... (but maybe i miss my other items to much. Silver Edge could be to late (but mostly build it anyway to counter the purple ghost).
The real joy of Omelette abuse is to maximise and minimise your healing and damage - hitting it at the right moment to nullify most a nuke is always fun, and remembering to turn it off to maximise your healing too (whether it's a scaling or non-scaling heal, armlet off heals are always better).
The big thing to watch out for is damage over time - can't turn the thing off when you'll instantly go to 1 hp and drop dead :)
which is reaaaaaaally good for the stats you get :P
Activate it when you want to deal damage, deactivate it when you're DEAD, it's really that simple :)
Phase Boots, Blink, drums, urn, is okay.
Manta use to disjoint would be realy nice thing to handle consistantly. Like my Phantom Lancer Double Ganger. Maybe i should concnetrate on this.
BKB don't thing i use it the right times.
Force Staff simply don't like it for initiation - for escape fine.
Glimmer is more a i don't play support anymore thing.
E-Blade? Hm never build it to be honest because maybe except mirana doesn't have a hero in my pool i would buy it.
Still the most fun hero in dota though.
If you're struggling with item actives it's actually a pretty good idea to recognise that, and try to plan around (and avoid playing
Have a long time plan for how you're going to get better with item actives. Start with the most important stuff first -
Get used to having say 2 actives in your inventory every game. Then build up to 3, 4 etc. Playing a wide range of heroes, start experimenting with new ones and seeing how to get the most out of them. Even if it's a bit basic to begin with, over time you'll learn more and more tricks for getting the most out of them.
Basically, break it down into managable learning chunks and digest slowly.
Then, one day, bling up in your 6-slotted blinking