August 03, 2014

Signatures and Art - Subforum Stuff

Views: 2213 Janitsu

Hello everybody!

Now that my tutorial serie has come to its end I have decided to ask the people around DotaFire if they would be interested in "Signature of the Week" - competition. For those who are not as familiar with the concept of Signature of the Week: It's a fun competition to which everyone can take part in. You basically have to follow the guidelines given and then PM the host(ess) your submission who will add it to the voting thread. There aren't any prizes at the moment but I guess I could discuss about it with Hades ;)!

And if you are now thinking about commenting something along the lines of: "But Janitsu-san, we don't know how to make super pretty signature!"

No worries lil' Timmy. My signature tutorial serie was made just for you! You can find it here!

So tell me what do you think about the idea :)!