May 18, 2015
Do call-outs for items bought mean you should buy it?
Views: 1434
Gyarados FTW
So I was being a silly little Pudge and I'm like, "I NEED VANGUARD! DOOMLING, COME HITHER!!". When I bought it from the secret shop (back in 6.8 #nostalgia) he said, "VANGAURD!!!!!!" This has happened on some other heroes I rarely play, since I don't usually know what to buy on the hero. It was a good buy since, for some reason, I was going hard carry. Although this isn't an item I see a lot and in other games it wasn't good at all, Pudge had a call-out for it. Does this mean that Valve originally intended for some items to be bought on heroes that aren't good? If so why? Also include some obscure but effective item builds on heroes you like to play as I always appreciate input!
Weird item builds..(prepare for the salt) This is really rare but I actually like getting a BKB against stun and control heavy lineups, especially if they have pure or magic damage. as counter-intuitive as this may seem, I feel like its good instead of buying lots of ganking/dps items that do nothing in teamfights.